"Okay." Claire grabs her nephew's arm, Grey, and pulls him towards us protectively. She grabs Zach too and we all start running from the scene trying to find a safer place. 

Me and Owen lead the way through the back alleys back toward the truck Claire drove here as people run around us. Claire puts her phone to her ear and calls Lowery. 

"Lowery we're on our way back to you." She says. Lowery on the other end explains something to Claire and a look of confusion crosses her face. "What do you mean "use the raptors"?" She asks. 

Me and Owen share a glare as we stop walking. "Son of a bitch." we say at the same time. Overhead we see a black helicopter flying towards the control room. "I knew he would do so crazy shit like this. That bastard." I mutter. 

"You shouldn't say bitch." Grey speaks up from behind us, "or bastard." 

"Take the kids. Get them someplace safe." Owen instructs as we all turn around to see the gate shaking violently as many people on the other side push against it in a panic. We all begin running toward the truck as the gate gives one final groan before breaking open and a stampede of people run through screaming. 

I get in the passenger seat while Owen jumps in the driver. Claire and the boys jump in the back. Owen starts the truck quickly and puts it in reverse trying to get out of the crowd. 

"Go faster!"

"Damn it, drive!" The boys shout. 

Owen backs around a corner into a small little dead-end where we're out of the way of the crowd. We all take deep breaths of relief as the truck stops. 

"This does not feel safe." Zach speaks up from the back. 

"Can we stay with you?" Grey asks. 

"I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire says looking at the boys. 

"No, no, no, them!" The boys say placing their hands on Owen's and my shoulders. I look back at Claire with a raised eyebrow. The boys look between us and Claire. "Yeah definitely them." Grey says. 

Claire gives me a look and I look at Owen. That's interesting. 


When we pull up to the raptor paddock there are Ingen men everywhere and various tents set up. Owen slams on the breaks as we come into view of the examination part of the cage. Neither of us bothers closing the truck doors as we throw them open and stomp past.  

Hoskins walks toward us with a huge shit-eating grin on his face. "The mother hens have finally arrived-"

Owen doesn't let him finish before decking him across the face. Behind me, I hear the boys groan. Hoskins stumbles back before straightening, holding his jaw. "Get the hell out of here and stay away from our animals." Owen threatens. 

Hoskins rubs his chin and rolls his eyes. He looks at me, "Listen-"

I slap him across the face and set my face in a harsh glare. "I don't want to hear a single word come out of your mouth! You wanted this to happen, didn't you? You son of a bitch!" 

Hoskins shakes his head, "Jesus! How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?" He asks. Me and Owen cross our arms. 

Barry walks up to us, "It's not a mission. It's a field test." His voice holds disdain for the man standing before us. 

"This is an InGen situation now," Hoskins says. I shake my head. "Okay, there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody's gonna get off this island." He looks between Owen, Barry, and me. "You're gonna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives." He gets up in Owen's face, "No, better yet, how your animals saved lives!"

Me and Owen share a look before glancing at Barry, "They've never been out of containment. It's crazy." Barry says.

"He's right Owen. This could be suicide." I say. 

Owen looks at me then back at Hoskins. 

Hoskins turns and shouts to the soldiers, "Let's move it out!" He turns back around to face us, "This is happening! With or without you." On that final note, he turns and leaves us standing. 

I turn to Owen, "You can't be considering this." 

Owen looks from the raptor paddock to me, "I promised I'd get you off this island. This may be the only way to guarantee it." I shake my head. Owen grabs my arms and runs his hands up and down them, "It'll be okay. I promise. But you have to trust me." 

I sigh, "I do trust you. It's Hoskins I don't trust." 

"Don't worry about him," Owen says. 

"You say that like it's easy. Just him breathing will piss me off." I grumble. 

Owen smiles softly, "Come on. Our girls need us." Owen takes my hand and leads us away toward a nearby tent. On the inside, there's a huge table with a map of the island on it. Ingen soldiers stand around it. 

I point to a spot on the map, "We know that she is in sector five. This is a game we call hide-and-seek." I say. 

"It's a scent drill. We've done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage." Owen adds. 

"Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot." I explain. 

"Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got," Owen says. 

"Wait for our command," I say. Owen gives me a look but I shut him up with a glare. "We got one good target, gentlemen. Do not shoot our Raptors." I look around at the various faces of the ingen soldiers, "Please." I add.

Owen pulls me aside after the little meeting. "Our command? Y/n you can't come with me." 

I pull my arm out of his grip. "Yes, I am. What am I supposed to sit around in a truck while you ride around the forest on your motorcycle with a pack of raptors like a badass? That ain't gonna fly with me."

"Y/n it's dangerous, we don't know what could happen." 

"I don't care Owen. I'm coming with you!"

"No, you're not! You're staying in the truck with Claire and her nephews." Owen shouts. 

"I'm not some fucking damsel in distress. These are my girls too, Grady." I step closer to him and put my finger on his chest, "and don't you dare forget it." 

Owen looks deep into my eyes. He knows there's no swaying my mind. To get me to stay he'd have to literally tie me to a chair but we both know we don't have time for that. He sighs as he gives us. "Just be careful. Please." He caresses my cheek with his warm hand. "I can't lose you." 

"I'm not goin' anywhere Grady." I pull him in by the collar of his shirt and kiss his lips with a fierce promise. 

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