Part 7

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Owen, Claire, and I run as quickly as we can back to the park. When we get there people are running around trying to get things under control. There are cars honking and people shouting. "Attention Aviary employees, there has been a containment breach." I voice says over the intercom. 

Claire's phone rings and she stops to answer it, "Hello?" Whatever is said makes Claire exhale in relief, "Okay. Stay right there. I'm on my way. Stay right with them." She says. 

I look over at Owen getting on a four-wheeler. Parked nearby is an empty truck. "Claire! Get to your nephews! We'll be right behind you!" I shout as I run over to Owen. Claire nods and runs for the truck. She gets in and starts it up. I hop on the back of the four-wheeler and wrap my arms around Owen's waist. 

Claire starts driving quickly toward where her nephews were seen last. Owen reves the engine and follows her. 

We arrive shortly near the boardwalk. A man over the intercom is instructing everyone to use liquid tranquilizers instead of live ammunition. Claire parks the truck and jumps out. Owen and I jump off the four-wheeler. A passing man hands Owen and me a tranquil gun. 

Owen looks over his shoulder as he begins to run, "y/n Come on!" He shouts. 

As we get closer, we hear the sound of the siren and people screaming in fear and pain. We rush through the gates along with ten other men. The men begin firing at the pteranodons. I see one about to hit two boys and shoot it. The pteranodon falls down and slides along the ground towards the boys who scoot back in fear. 

Claire stands up on a tipped ice cream cart. "Zach! Grey!" She shouts. 

The two boys look over and stand running over to us. "Aunt Claire!" one shouts. 

Owen and I lower our guns as we see the two boys running. "Hold your fire-" Owen shouts but his voice is cut off by a grunt of pain. I look to my side and see one of the pteranodons on Owen's back. Owen rolls onto his back as the thing tries to bite his face. He strains against the strong push. 

I rush over and hit the pteranodon hard on the head with the butt end of my gun. It whimpers and falls over. I flip my rifle over and pelt its side with tranquilizers. I breathe heavily as I lower my gun. I sigh in relief as Owen sits up okay. I reach my hand out and help him to his feet. I'm about to ask him if he's alright but before I can get the words out he pulls me against his chest and kisses my lips. 

My eyes go wide and I gasp before relaxing into the kiss a bit. I place my hand on his shoulder and pull apart for air. I breathe heavily as I look into his eyes. 

"You okay?" He asks. 

I smile softly, "I should be asking you that." 

He kisses me again only it's shorter, like a promise. 

"Y/n! Owen!" Claire rushes over to us, "Are you okay?" She asks worriedly. I nod, unable to form words at the moment. Claire exhales and pulls us both into a hug. She smiles at us before looking over her shoulder to see her nephews staring at us with confusion. Claire gasps and runs over to them. "Zach! Grey!" She embraces the boys and examines them. "My God! Thank God! Thank God! What happened? What is this? Are you okay? Where did you go? Why didn't you come back? I was so worried about you." Claire rambles but the boys just stare at me and Owen.

"Who are they?" The oldest, Zach, asks. 

Claire straightens, "We work together." She explains. 

Me and Owen share a look. Around us, people are still screaming in fear. Pteranodons still fly around. "Hey, we gotta go." Owen says. I nod in agreement. 

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