Baby Sasha! And Marco!

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Y/n: morning babe!
Hanji: you look beautiful but does your back hurt because I could rub it if you want!
Y/n: yes please that would be perfect!
Hanji: here sit on my lap!
*you sit on her lap while Hanji rubs your back and you groan when you hear Hanji giggle and than you smile when Hanji kisses your cheek and you give her a peck on the lips*
Hanji: does that feel nice?
Y/n: yes! It makes my back feel better a little!
Hanji: I'm so excited! We will have our own family!
Y/n: yep! It'll be worth it! The pain is always worth it!
Hanji: I'm glad I decided to take time off with you!
Erwin: hey Armin! Look at Hanji and Y/n! Such a perfect family already!
Ymir: hey Christa!
Christa: hey Ymir! Guess what!
Ymir: what?
Christa: I'm pregnant!
Ymir: y-you are?! I'll protect you with my life!
*Ymir picks up Christa and leaves with her while you lean against Hanji and she holds you and rubs your stomach when she feels the baby kick*
Hanji: active little one!
Y/n: I made sure it would be a beautiful healthy active baby sperm donor!
Hanji: nice babe! that's amazing!
Y/n: i think you'll be such a great mom! Also I found out the babies genders!
Hanji: genders?!
Y/n: yeah! We're having twins! One boy and one girl!
Hanji: eek!
*you kiss her and Hanji smiles and hugs your back and puts her hands on your stomach when you realize somethings off*
Y/n: H-Hanji?
Hanji: yes?
Y/n: I think my water broke..
Levi: what!
Y/n: my water broke..
Levi: ugh why here! Well let's get you onto the table and just let you give birth here!
Hanji: let's go Y/n! Let's get you set up-
Y/n: holy shit!
Hanji: Y/n?
Y/n: ugh this hurts!
Hanji: Jesus okay!
*they get you on the table and Hanji screams at everyone to get out except for the girls and you groan and scream while you push*
Hanji: it's okay babe you got this!
Y/n: this hurts like fuck!
Hanji: w-well yeah it's child birth!
Y/n: hmph!
Levi: Jesus I can just hear her groaning!
Erwin: she's pushing babies the size of watermelons out her crotch. Can you blame her?
Christa: go Y/n!
Ymir: yeah! You got this!
Y/n: hmph...
Hanji: almost out baby! Than... another one!
Y/n: ugh!
Hanji: it's okay babe!
*she wipes your sweat as you start pushing finally giving birth to 1 of 2 twins and you gasp for breath and Hanji smiles*
Y/n: so... fucking.. painful!
Hanji: I know! One more baby and you should be okay!
Ymir: it's a boy!
Y/n: Hanji.. I love you so much..
Hanji: I love you too Y/n! Just give it your all! You are so strong! I'm proud of you!
Y/n: thanks- ahhh! Fuck!
Hanji: shh babe!
*you push and Hanji lifts your head and sets it on her lap and you scream and she takes your hand and you squeeze it*
Christa: I see the next one's head!
Hanji: I'm so excited! It's time to meet them!
Y/n: y-yeah- ahhhh!
Erwin: one was born but she's still going!
Levi: twins! I'm happy for them!
Y/n: ugh!
Hanji: you are almost done baby!
Y/n: I better beeeeee-
Hanji: why don't I sing to you?
Y/n: please do!
Hanji: okay!
*Hanji starts singing to you while you push and finally give birth to the baby and you relax instantly and they hand you the babies and Hanji kisses your forehead*
Hanji: I cannot believe you did that!
Y/n: that was like pushing out two giant watermelons and it hurt like fuck!
Hanji: hehe! Here want to go breast feed them in our room?
Y/n: yeah I don't want to be stared at!
Hanji: okay! Also we should name our baby boy! We named Sasha a while ago but what are we going to name him?
Y/n: Marco, whoever died we respect and honour for their sacrifice and clearly Marco and everyone deserves it! Besides I like the name Marco!
Hanji: good choice!

 Hanji: I love you too Y/n! Just give it your all! You are so strong! I'm proud of you! Y/n: thanks- ahhh! Fuck! Hanji: shh babe! *you push and Hanji lifts your head and sets it on her lap and you scream and she takes your hand and you squeeze it*...

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