Y/n and Eren master their Titan Skills!

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Y/n: hey brother!
Eren: hey twin sis! Ready to train?
Y/n: yeah! Let's go!
Mikasa: hey guys! This is Hange! She's going to help you both train!
Y/n: hey Hange! I'm Y/n! This is my twin brother Eren!
Y/n: thanks Mikasa!
Mikasa: no problem! No get training we leave tomorrow.
Y/n: okay!
Eren: so what's first?
Hange: first we need to see if you can use the hardening ability!
Y/n: done!
Hange: impressive okay! Next is we need to test your strength! But damn y'all look amazing!

**You and Eren basically have the same Titan you just become them at different times from now on**Y/n: thanks Hange but for now we should finish it's kinda cold and dark! Hange: makes sense! Here let's go in and I'll study tonight! Tell you the re...

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**You and Eren basically have the same Titan you just become them at different times from now on**
Y/n: thanks Hange but for now we should finish it's kinda cold and dark!
Hange: makes sense! Here let's go in and I'll study tonight! Tell you the results tomorrow!
Levi: guys dinners ready!
Y/n: yay!
*you return human and Hange smiles and you all go inside and eat dinner when you realize you have no room*
Y/n: I'll take the couch right?
Mikasa: actually we all thought and talked earlier and thought you could share a room with Hange!
Y/n: okay! Night everyone!
Hange: I'll see you in a moment!
Mikasa: goodnight!
Levi: cya!
Eren: night sis!
Armin: night bestie!
Hange: hey Y/n! Do you like the room?
Y/n: yeah! I love it! Thanks for letting me share a room!
Hange: no problem! I'm glad you like it!
Y/n: alright I'm tired! I should sleep- you okay?
Hange: not really just stressed that's all. I should be fine though! Thanks for asking!
Y/n: do you need a hug or something?
Hange: actually that would be appreciated a lot..
*you hug her before laying down and falling asleep and Hange kept thinking about you*
Y/n: morning- huh? What are you doing?
Hange: oh sorry heh! Just doing an experiment on some project I've been working on for a while! Why what's up?
Y/n: oh nothing! I was just wondering!
Hange: you made my night last night by the way!
Y/n: I did? That's amazing! I'm glad I could help! If you ever need a hug when we're not killing titans just come to me okay? You can trust me!
Hange: thanks! Again! I can rely on you for anything! Anyways come here I think I've made a break through!
Y/n: nice! Let's see!
*you and Hange work on her experiment for a while and the others start planning on how they should end the armoured Titan but Hange kept thinking about you*
Hange: a-anyways let's go eat! We shouldn't starve all day!
Y/n: true! And than we should work on me and Eren's Titan abilities one at a time due to we look the exact same as titans and we can troll y'all!
Hange: yep! Okay sounds good!
Y/n: glad I helped your night too though!
Hange: hehe! You should pick up a big rock for your strength test!
*you both go and eat than head outside and you turn to a Titan while Eren was waiting to go next and you pick up a huge rock*
Hange: perfect! We could use this to our advantage! We can take Wall Romaria back!

 *you hug her before laying down and falling asleep and Hange kept thinking about you* Y/n: morning- huh? What are you doing? Hange: oh sorry heh! Just doing an experiment on some project I've been working on for a while! Why what's up? Y/n: oh no...

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**you are holding the rock**
Y/n: ..
Eren: good job Y/n! Now you should rest up! Being a Titan uses a lot of energy when you're holding a giant rock like that!
Y/n: yes it does!
*you put the rock down and you turn human slowly and Hange pulls you out of the Titan with a huge smile on her face while Eren is turning into his titan*
Hange: that was awesome! We have to do research later maybe! I know I'll do research you can help if you want to-
Y/n: I'd love to!
Hange: really?
Y/n: of course!
Hange: great! After dinner we can start!
Y/n: okay!
Eren: got the rock! And where do I put it?
Y/n: just right there where i set it! Hange? You doing okay?
Hange: hell yeah! I'm just excited we have twin titans on our team!
Y/n: that's good! I'm glad you're excited! I'm sure everyone else is too!
*you help Eren out his Titan and hug him*
Eren: I love you sister!
Y/n: I love you too brother!
Hange: aww! You 2 are so cute!
Eren: I know! And now I think Mikasa may be a little attracted to me! I mean have you seen her staring at me?
Y/n: yep! You 2 should date! I just haven't found the one yet! If you do date her I support you!
Eren: thanks sister!
Y/n: anytime brother!
Hange: so you haven't found the one yet?
Y/n: nope! I'm sure I'll find one! What about you?
Hange: no.. I'm too nerdy for them!
Y/n: you're not too nerdy! It's great being smart! Look how far we've came with you and Armin!
Hange: that's true..
Y/n: let's go in our room to talk! Trust me!
Hange: okay..
*you both walk into your room and shut the door*
Y/n: Hange.. please don't be so hard on yourself it's been a day! Give it time! Trust me I haven't found anyone either! It will all work out in the end!
Hange: you're so right Y/n! Thank you!
Y/n: come here!
Hange: okay!
*you hug her and she smiles and just holds onto you and she sighs than cries on your chest from being stressed and you just hold her close*
Y/n: hey.. hey... are you okay? What's wrong Hange..?
Hange: I've just been.. so stressed.. I needed to get it out..
Y/n: okay! That's okay! Sometimes we just need someone or something to cry on..
Hange: you okay?
Y/n: not really..
Hange; my turn!
*she pulls you into her arms and you cry*
Y/n: ever since we were young me and Eren's parents died from titans and we barely could survive..
Hange: oh Y/n.. you poor thing.. well Mikasa has Eren.. you have Eren.. and I have you because you helped me in one day and I can already rely on your comfort if that sounds stupid..
Y/n: it's fine! I probably sounded stupid!
Hange: nah.. it's fine.. we can just be here for each other! That's why I guess we were put as roommates!
Y/n: yep!
*you snuggle into her chest while you finish crying and she sets you on her bed and wipes your tears*
Hange: thanks for helping me Y/n!
Y/n: and thank you for helping me!
Y/n and Hange: I needed it-
Y/n: sorry heh!
Hange: it's fine! Heh!
Y/n: let's work on your awesome experiment!
Hange: okay! I think if we can get you and Eren to move the Rock! One of you could fight-
Y/n: I'll fight! Eren is faster with carrying heavier things than me and would make it much more efficient if I did the fighting for him!
Hange: true! Good job! We've figured it out! We know who can fight better and move heavy things faster!
Y/n: yep! I'm glad we can work together!
Hange: me too! I wanna know how you are just connected to the muscle!
Y/n: it just makes it so I can control the Titan so I could move my conscious to another part of the Titan to live if I got slashed in the neck or something I guess! I've seen the armoured do it! I don't have x ray vision but I've seen he was regenerating and half his head was blown off!
Hange: that's so freaking cool!
Y/n: yep! Anyways! That female Titan called for reinforcements right?
Hange: it was like she knew she was in danger so she planned how to get away from our traps.. it was new we didn't know how to react so we had to abort our mission.
Y/n: man! You guys are awesome! I love being in the scouts regimen!
Hange: I do too! It means I get to study titans even though I burnt my hands once but we aren't going to talk about that haha!
Y/n: okay heh!

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