Chapter 10 | Ten

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'Chapter 10 | Ten | Fancy Water'


It has taken all morning for me and Cowboy to clean out Lilliput's stable and after yesterdays events I really wasn't prepared for it. I'm ready to relax and lie down but when Reg told me Ma wanted me to go to Aunt Mae's, I knew this wasn't going to happen. 'Something about magazines' he said.

"What did you want me to go to Aunt Mae's for?" I ask Ma, sticking my head into her caravan.

"I told her you'd babysit as me, Pop, Charlie and her are all going out for drinks, you're gonna have to take Ted with ya, stay the night round. I also said you'd take her those magazines I'd promised I'd lend her. Is that alright or shall I get Mariette to do it?"

"No that's alright, I'm not ruining her Friday night." I tell her, stepping out of the caravan."When did she say we could turn up?" I ask enthusiastically, Aunt Mae is my second mother and although she isn't a gypsy nor was her and my uncle's marriage praised, we accept and love her none the less.

"Whenever." Ma shrugs, fixing up her lipstick.

"Alright, I'll head over now."

"Ok, be careful, love you." She shouts as I make my way over to Teddy.

"Love you too Ma!"

|| Time Skip ||


Turning the corner we see Uncle Charlie, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, his bushy, brown brows rising with happiness to see me and Teddy.

"Alright my dears?" He asks, a crate balanced in his hands. Although a somewhat short man, Uncle Charlie can carry things half his size and twice his weight.

"Fine thanks, how are you?"

"I'm alright, Evie, I'm alright." He chuckles before kicking open his front door.

Teddy in one hand, the magazines in the other, I follow after him, entering my second home.

"Teddy!" One of the twins screams as I take Ted's coat, he looks at me and I send him an approving nod. He takes off grinning, running out into the back garden to be met by Victoria and Violet. Similar in age, they all get along lovely, Ted being older than them both by a year.

"Don't trash Aunt Mae's garden!" I shout before hearing footsteps pounding down the stairs.

"I knew it was you!" My younger cousin, Pertunia excitedly shrieks as she launches herself at me.

"Jesus Christ, Tune, don't squish her." Montgomery playfully rolls his eyes before walking down the hallway, following the scent of whatever Aunt Mae is cooking.

"Is it true your gonna help me babysit tonight?" Pertunia asks, bombarding me with question after question as we proceed into the living area, allowing us view of the kitchen.

Uncle Charlie and Aunt Mae's house is somewhat modern, as you walk through the door you are greeted with cream - almost white - walls and brown wooden flooring, a vibrant blue hatstand and a matching sideboard with a golden rimmed mirror above it, splash it with colour. The stairs make an L, the bottom of them on the other end of the small and slightly narrow passage, a brown banister the whole way up.

A shorter way to the dining area would be to go to the other end of the hallway where a door frame allows you a shortcut however I'm going a different way. Turning left you arrive at the sitting room, same coloured walls throughout and the same blue persistent in the sofas and other small things like vases and curtains. Separating the living room and kitchen is a counter, allowing Aunt Mae to spy through watching her children play in the sitting area or garden as she cooks. Cerulean blue, a slightly darker shade than of the sofas, coats all the cupboards, an oak countertop to finish. Wooden stools tucked up under the island that acts as a somewhat partitioner to the kitchen side and dining side of the back of the house. A big rectangular oak table, big enough to fit all seven, perched in the middle.

The littlest of my cousins, Archie, is sat bright eyed in a high chair, gawping around at his crazy household that's about to become even more hectic with the arrival of me and Teddy.

After taking whatever it was he had with him into the back garden, Uncle Charlie makes an appearance in the kitchen, sneaking up behind Aunt Mae and wrapping his arms around her as she stands at the sink, washing up.

"What's cooking, good looking?" He muffles into her ear, squeezing her, sending Aunt Mae into a fit of giggles.

"Bloody hell, not with Evangeline present for God sake!" Montgomery chucks down the rag he was using to shine up some shoes onto the dining table as I lean on the doorframe that backs onto the hallway.

"Oh gosh I am sorry, Evangeline." She apologises, hysterical with laughter, fanning herself slightly as she continues to giggle under her breath or into her apron.

"Where'd ya want these?" I ask, holding out the magazines.

"Ooooh those look lovely." Ma investigates, flicking open the first one off the pile.

"Yeah well read them some other time, you, my sweetheart, have to get ready for our evening out." Uncle Charlie winks, taking the magazine and placing it on the table before he grabs Aunt Mae. They begin to dance around the kitchen. Pertunia comes in and starts to make herself some toast, staring in awe at the two, completely smitten still all these years later.

"We made you a perfume for you to wear tonight, Ma!" The twins beam as they skip through the back door, Teddy next to them, slightly dirty.

"Well aren't I a lucky lady!" She exclaims excitedly whilst grabbing the jar of water and a daisy from Victoria, the one in the pink dungarees as supposed to Violet, the one in the sage green ones.

"Teddy helped us, he used his muscles to unscrew the lid." Violet grins, Teddy fiddling with his hands, the same way I do.

"I can promise you right now, I will wear it with pride." She winks at her daughters as Uncle Charlie leans over; giving it a sniff.

"Smells like fancy water." He says excitedly, the twins looking at eachother proudly, their dark brown bobs swaying as they flick their heads back to their parents.

"Will you wear it too Pop?"

"Oh will you?"

"Please Pop!"

"Pop please!"

The twins nag, Uncle Charlie trying to conjure up some sort of excuse.

"Your Pop can't wear the perfume, perfume is for ladies. Besides he's only goin' to cover it with the stink of beer." I chuckle, sitting down at the table, taking a piece of toast Pertunia offers me.

This seems a reasonable excuse for the twins as they start to push Aunt Mae in direction of the stairs.

"Don't worry, I'll keep everything in order down here, go doll yaself up." I wink and she smiles warmly at me before heading up the stairs.

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