Chapter 6 | Six

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Chapter 6 | Six | Hesitancy'


As the morning sun bursts into the barn abruptly, its presence causes Mr Shelby to stir, groaning he struggles onto his feet. Shirt undone, revealing the vest that clings to his chest underneath. I watch as he struggles to put on his shoes and then confusingly looks round at his surroundings.

As I walk into the barn, he turns around swiftly pulling a gun out of his jacket, pointing it at me.

"Shittin' hell Evangeline, don't ya know to never sneak up on a Blinder," he squints, lowering his gun. "A hungover one at that." He brushes back his hair. "Sorry luv."

Although slightly startled, I send him a reassuring smile.

"Did you sleep alright, Mr Shelby?" I laugh, referring to his state while handing him a bacon sandwich.

"Beautifully," He takes the plate. "Cheers, luv." Midway through yawning he shoves a corner of the sandwich into his mouth then begins to chew aggressively.

Leaving him to eat the sandwich in peace, I walk out the stables and find Lilliput, her chain long enough for her to roam happily on the grass that is throughout our camp. I cautiously make my way over to her, the cold morning air evident as I breathe out. My almost stiff fingers lightly grazing her nose.

"Good morning, Lilliput." I laugh just as she knocks her head into mine, sending me backwards stumbling.

A pair of strong arms clasp around my waist, stopping me from going to the ground.

"Thanks." I politely say.

"Can't have my sister in law falling now can I?" Jack reluctantly stated, steadying me before shoving his hands into his pockets and looking everywhere but at me.

"I've always considered us friends Jack, for Mariette's sake I think that's the least we can do." I explain, his eyes still not meeting mine.

"Why? It's her I'm marrying, not you." He says rather rudely.

"She's my sister, it would comfort her a great deal to know we get along, Jackson." I remain calm.

"Fine, it's not like we're staying long anyways." He shrugs.

"What do you-"

"Mr Shelby." Jackson interrupts sending a respectful nod to the figure now exiting the barn, standing behind me.

"Jackson, ain't it?" The Shelby replies, rather coldly. "I heard you have somethin' to say, to me 'n me brothers."

"About that," Jackson sheepishly replies. "I was only having a bit of fun, ya know?"

"Don't care, after all me and Vin have sorted somethin' out of our own." Mr Shelby threatens, holding his hands infront of him as he shrugs.

"I'm real sorry, Mr Shelby, it won't happen again, I promise." He pleads.

Mr Shelby nods, a stone expression upon his face, not blank but not friendly either.

Jackson sees this as his cue to leave but soon stops dead in his tracks when Mr Shelby then says.

"You can also promise to be nicer to Evangeline."

"You what?" Jack shrieks, accent thick from surprise.

"You heard me, son." Mr Shelby stares daggers at him.

"Whatever." Jack mumbles, shaking his head.

"What did you just say to me?" He edged forwards, Jackson's face turning from moody to fearful.

"I said of course, Mr Shelby."

"That's what I thought."

Jackson quickly scurries away, leaving me and my supposed guardian Angel alone.

"I hope your not too mad about the whole hustlin' thing, we're really sorry, Jack, he just don't think." I apologise profusely, turning to face him.

"You've got nothin' to be sorry for Evangeline." He quietly says, our eyes locked, his cap on, seeming to have sorted himself. You wouldn't known he was drunk out of his mind last night.

We stare at eachother, I want to say thankyou but I can't quite manage to form the words, like I'm scared they'll come out wrong, in case I got the wrong idea. Surely he only defended me for Pop's sake, considering they are friends. It would be foolish for me to assume he was only sticking up for me.

"Arthur!" Pa calls cheerfully, I move my eyes over to him however Mr Shelby's stay glued to my face.

"Suppose you wanna see Jack in action, eh?" Pop suggests, and I can only guess he's talking about whatever thing it was Jack will be doing for them as an apology.

"Don't worry about it Vin, I've seen him, I ain't worried." Mr Shelby says, still looking at me along with Pa, however very contrasting expressions upon their faces.

Mr Shelby's is blank, unreadable, however a surprising warmth in his gaze. His brows relaxed, hanging lowly above his eyes. Pa's is confused, brows furrowed, mouth half open as if he were about to say something, eyes trying to make sense as to why Mr Shelby is looking at me like he is. However just like Pop, I too don't know why he is.

"Alright then, Arth, you're welcome to stay here as long as ya like, no rush." My father generously offers the Peaky Blinder.

"It's alright Vin, I've gotta go meet Tommy at the pub." He replies, voice becoming more gentle.

"Alright." Pop nods before wandering away.

I still stand, looking towards the floor, chewing the inside of my cheek, one foot crossed over the other.

We stand in silence before he sighs.

"I'll see ya soon." He comes closer.

I shyly smile and decide to press a light kiss on his cheek, having to go onto my tip toes as he helps keep me steady, placing his hands on my hips.

"Thankyou." I whisper, referring to the situation with Jackson and he seems understand as his face lights up, from the kiss and gratefulness.

"Anytime, luv, he's a prick." He jokes, hands on each of my hips still, his thumb gently stroking my side.

He hesitantly let's his lips graze my forehead, any further away and he wouldn't have made contact, my breath hitching in my throat, a warm tingling pulsating through me.

"Goodbye, Mr Shelby." I say, looking up at him.

"Hopefully not for too long." He winks confidently, tucking a hair behind my ear before walking away, out of the camp.

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