Chapter 4: Entrance Exam (Updated)

Start from the beginning

He looked as if he wanted to say more but was cut off by Present Mic

Present Mic: "Alright, alright, Examinees 7111, and 1935,  The purpose of the 4th fake villain variety gets you zero points! He's more of an obstacle"

??: "Got it, so it's like a stage gimmick to be avoided, thank you sir. I apologize for the interruption!" He bowed and sat down, I did the same

I winked at Midoriya who gave me a silent: "Thank you"

Present Mic: "That's all from me! I'll leave you with our school motto! The great hero: Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life... PLUS ULTRA! Break a leg, everyone!'"

We all left the auditorium and I and Midoriya gave each other good luck and we left towards our respective sites.

I walked to site C and found a group of people waiting at the great doors, everyone seemed to be a mix of confident and nervous, I was solely the latter, What am I gonna do? My quirk has no combat effectiveness against robots!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the ever-loud voice of Present Mic called

Present Mic: "And... BEGIN!"

Everyone else all looked around confused, I used my better judgment and fully started sprinting towards the entrance, I managed to hear the rest of Present Mic's announcement

Present Mic: "What's wrong? The test's started! Run! Run!" He called

I heard the pounding footsteps of everyone else catching up, I managed to be the first to come across a 1 pointer

1 Pointer: "Target acquired" it spoke, without any better judgment I dodged it's attempt to grab me and landed on it's head

I thrust my fist into it's eye and its light went dark, the robot fell to the ground and I ripped my hand free, it hurt like hell, bloody from the broken glass, but not broken.

I swallowed nervously and saw the rest of the examinees have gone on ahead and started to accumulate points, I ran off and found a pile of robot bodies, what stuck out to me was a rouge piece of scrap metal, sticking out in the middle of the pile above the rest, it had a slender metal pipe and at the end was a jagged piece of metal, it curved down slightly like a crescent moon.

Not wasting any more time I ran up the pile and yanked the make-shift scythe from its rock

"Is this fate? It was like it waiting for me..."  Brushing off the thoughts I ran off to find more robots

I slashed and dashed my way through 5: 3 pointers, 6: 2 pointers and 7: 1 pointers, leaving me with points 34 so far

Sweating and panting I ran off to find more robots, I come across a 2 pointer and slashed with my scythe, lopping its head clean off

"36" I thought to myself, pushing myself onwards to get more points

I was thrown off balance as the ground opened up to reveal a beast from hell, the 0 pointer had emerged.

It was way bigger than I thought, it towered over the buildings, and looked around

The other examinees turned in the other direction and ran without looking back, I was going to take after them, but saw an orange-haired girl laying under some of the rubble created by the emergence.

Without thinking I rushed over to give her aid as the 0 pointer slowly made its way over

I managed to remove the rubble covering her and placed her in a fireman's carry.

I ran it faster than I had ever ran before.

I made it a good distance before hearing the voice of Present Mic announcing the end of the exam.

I sighed and placed the orange-haired girl on the ground, she was thankfully breathing but covered in cuts and bruises, I had no medical equipment to treat her but thankfully 2 medical robots came and placed her on a stretcher and took her to be treated

"36 points?... Not good, but not the worst, thank whoever is God I found the scythe when I did, I would've lost easily." I thought to myself, admiring the scrap scythe in my hands, it glistened in oil from the robots, sorta like blood.

I made my way to the exit and waited for Midoriya to exit his exam, I saw him and went to ask how he did, he seemed distant and didn't want to talk about it, I respected his wishes and said my goodbyes before heading home.

Wow, chapter 4 aye? Things are picking up soon, hope you'll be here to witness it!

Stay Groovy loyal readers!

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