8 - Detective Boys

Start from the beginning

"Atsushi-kun is one of us!" Tanizaki insisted.

"Ranpo-San is right," Kunikida retorted. "Now is not the time for us to act."

"If that bounty lands in mafia hands, they'll rule the underworld!" You argued. "It'll be game over for us!"

"Then why not call the police about it?" Ranpo suggested.

"Atsushi is a dangerous wanted beast," Kunikida reminded. "If he's found out, we'll get dragged into is as well."

"But... surely we could explain things to them?" Tanizaki pleaded.

"Ahem!" Naomi announced, clearing her throat. "I'm fine with you giving your explanations and reasons and debating this to no end, but why don't we leave things to this man?"

"President?!" All of you panicked.

"I apologise sir," Kunikida bowed. "Once our work is over, we will gather intel with Tanizaki and.."

"No need," the President interrupted. "Everyone listen well! You are to track down our new hire! Until he is brought back here safely all current work is hereby frozen!"

"But what about the ministry?" Kunikida stammered.

"Don't worry, I will contact them myself," Fukuzawa reassured. "They owe me enough favours to make a bureaucrat or two wait for us."

"Boss, are you sure about that?" Ranpo whined. 

"What is it, Ranpo?" Fukuzawa asked.

"I mean, in terms of pure logic..." Ranpo began.

"Our comrade is in danger. We need to rescue him!" Fukuzawa glared. "Is there some weightier logic in the world which trumps that?"

Ranpo shuddered and inched back, allowing the president to continue.

"Kunikida!" He called.

"Yes sir?" Kunikida straightened up.

"Get him back in three hours!" Fukuzawa demanded. 

The agency immediately got busy working, each one listening to Kunikida's orders. He'd never disappointed the boss before, and he wasn't going to start now. The only one who wasn't listening, was Ranpo, but you would only need his presence later. And so, the hours passed, getting more and more chaotic with each passing minute.

"L/N get me all the video footage in town!" Kunikida ordered. "Everything in the past six hours!"

"Got it!"

"Kenji! Where're the Chambers of Commerce's Ledgers?!"

"Here you go!"

"Kenji-kun," Ranpo called. "Could you look around and see if there are any juicy murders for me to solve?"

"Sure but.." Kenji hesitated. "Won't the boss get mad at you?"

".... nevermind," Ranpo whimpered.

"L/N-San, you and Tanizaki head out!" Kunikida ordered.

"Yessir!" Tanizaki nodded.

With that, the two of you scurried out. Tanizaki had a black hoodie over his usual clothing, while you were wearing a flowy dress. Should worse come to worst, you would be used as bait to confuse any guards. 

"Hide, I'll play the lost damsel in distress," you instructed.

Tanizaki did as told, while you waltzed right into the area.

"Miss, this is private property-" a man stammered upon seeing you.

"Oh, sorry sir, I seem to have gotten lost," you pouted. "See, I was looking for a friend of mine, and I'm quite positive I saw him go in this direction!"

"Listen miss-" he began, only to be rudely interrupted.

The guard coughed up blood onto your chest, clutching at his stomach. A long, silver knife stabbed through him, likely puncturing one of his vitals in an instant. The man looked up at you apologetically, before collapsing into your arms.

"Here for a rematch, kiddo?" You sighed, looking up to face the killer. "Or are you just backing up your brother's actions, Gin?"

"Don't talk like you know me!" She snarled, slashing at you with her knife. "You left me to rot when I was at my lowest!"

"I don't want to fight you, Gin," you warned, holding up shield after shield as she attempted to slash at you.

While this wasn't a part of the original plan, Tanizaki and you had decided earlier that should one be caught up in battle, the other would use the opportunity and gather as much intel as possible.

"L/N-San, they're all dead, let's go!" Tanizaki yelled.

"Sorry kid," you sighed, snapping your fingers.

A blinding light appeared, leaving Gin disoriented. You took the opportunity and knocked her out, before running off with Tanizaki.

"We should hurry, she'll get up soon," you urged. "Where's Atsushi now?"

"According to Ranpo-San, he's being transported via ship," Tanizaki grimaced.

"Kunikida-San's going to get him as we speak."

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