They introduce you, as their girlfriend, to his friends/family

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Daniel: You were in Daniel's room, studying, while Daniel was out to get some things for his mother. You two had been dating for a couple of weeks now and you had been staying most of your days with Daniel. "Gorgeous, are you in my room?" Daniel asked as he walked into the apartment. "Yeah. I'm studying." You replied. "Can you come out real quick?" Daniel asked. "In a minute." You replied as you closed your book and got up from the bed, before walking out of the room. "What's up?" You asked. "You know about Mr Miyagi, right?" Daniel asked. "Yeah. Why?" You asked. "Well, he wants to meet you." Daniel said. "Really? When?" You asked. "Tomorrow." Daniel replied. "Okay. That's good." You replied. You were in Daniel's living room, the next day, waiting for Daniel to finish getting ready. "Dan, are you ready?" You asked. "Yeah." Daniel replied, before walking out of his room. "Are you ready to meet Mr Miyagi?" Daniel asked. 

"Yeah. But I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me?" You asked. "I know for a fact that he will like you." Daniel replied as he grabbed your hand, before walking out of the apartment and to his car. He drove towards the house, while he kept holding your hand. "Gorgeous, we're here." Daniel said, noticing that you were staring out of the window. "Okay." You said as he parked the car, before getting out. He grabbed your hand again, before he led you to the front door. "Hello? We're here." Daniel called out as you walked into the house. "Hello." You could hear the man say. "Hey, Mr Miyagi." Daniel said as you walked up to him. "Mr Miyagi, meet my girlfriend." He added as he looked at the man. "Hello, Nariyoshi Miyagi. It is nice to meet Daniel-san's girlfriend." The man said as he looked at you. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr Miyagi. Dan told me a lot about you." You replied. "Only good things." You added. 

"Y/n very pretty girl. Daniel-san very lucky to have her." Mr Miyagi said. "Yeah, very lucky." You replied, smiling at Daniel.

Johnny: You were with Johnny in his car, after school, parked by the look out at the beach. His hand was on your thigh and his lips were on your neck. "Princess, ma wants to meet you." Johnny said. "Oh, really?" You asked as Johnny looked at you. "Yeah, she told me last night. Sid's outta town, so she asked if you would like to join us for dinner." Johnny said. "Okay, uh, when?" You asked. "Tonight, after training." Johnny said. "Oh, okay. Can we go to my place, so I can change. I'll come and watch you train." You said. "Sure, princess." Johnny replied, before driving away towards your house.You walked in, quickly running up the stairs towards your room. You changed into a black dress with a white shirt underneath, before walking back down after putting on your shoes and walked back to Johnny's car. "Let's go to the dojo." Johnny said, before he drove away from your house. 

He drove towards the dojo, while having his hand on your thigh which made you feel safe, before parking his car in the parking lot across the street. Once the car was parked, you got out and walked up to Johnny, before grabbing his hand and crossing the street to see his friends waiting outside. They walked into the dojo and Johnny saw Kreese walking out of his office. "Do we have a new student?" The man asked the blond. "No, sensei." Johnny said. "This is Y/n, sensei. She's my girl." He added, before looking at you. "You're his girlfriend. Nice to meet you." Kreese replied. "It's nice to meet you as well, sir." You replied. "She's polite. I like that. Go ahead and change. You can sit on the bench." Kreese said towards you. An hour went by and the training was over. Johnny walked up to you after getting ready and you walked out of the dojo, said goodbye to his friends and walked back to his car. 

"How did you like the class?" Johnny asked. "It was good. You're very flexible." You replied as he drove towards his house. "Thanks, princess. I'll show you how flexible I can be after we had dinner with ma." He winked towards you. After a couple of minutes you arrived at the house and he parked the car in the driveway, before getting out and walking into the house through the garage. "Ma. I'm home." Johnny called out. "I'm in the kitchen darling. Did you bring Y/n?" His mother replied. "Yeah, I did ma." Johnny answered as you walked into the kitchen. "Hi, I'm Laura, Johnny's mom." The woman said as she turned to look at you. "Nice to meet you, Mrs Lawrence. You are very beautiful." You replied. "You are very polite, Y/n. But so are you and I can see why Johnny likes you." Laura said. "Better treat her nicely, darling." Laura said. Johnny wrapped his arm around your waist and looked at you, before looking back at his mother. 

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