the bounty.

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Three years passed before the Queen sent out a message; to all those able-bodied, regardless of class, if you are able to find and bring the lost princess back to me, then you shall receive a reward of $200.

Now, back in those times, $200 was a handsome sum of money - and a reward that just about every person in that poor kingdom wanted.

Especially Faris.

$200, being given away for free? Why, he just had to have it. Not for himself, of course - for his young sister was sick and his brother was constantly getting into trouble. That money was necessary to take care of the unfortunate duo.

And so, the cavalry captain took up his best Shire, some rations and his weapons, and left the city among the dark of the night, setting off into the woodlands to search for the lost princess.

Eventually, after a few long days of traveling on horseback, the weary captain brushed away his hair - only to notice through exhausted pale eyes, a lantern hung on a branch ahead. Then another lantern. And another. They lit a safe trail through the grove, illuminating flowers and brush and berry bushes - all brilliant, almost fantastical colors. The cavalry captain continued, picking up his pace, until he had to dismount, so as to not hit his head on the overhead branches.

'The princess must be here somewhere...I doubt dragons and spirits put these lanterns up themselves. Why would she even run here in the first place...? Isn -'

The sudden jerking around and bucking of his horse startled the young man out of his thoughts, causing him to let out a sharp gasp. As he turned, the stallion ripped his reins from the captain's hands, letting out a distressed whinny, before galloping right out of the grove in a panic - nearly kicking his owner in the process.

"Wha - h- HEY! WH -"

The silver-haired almost ran after the stallion, before remembering his original plan. But...his horse.

'...He'll get back to the kingdom on his own. I hope.' Faris stood there for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. He then inhaled deeply, before sighing, turning around to continue following the lanterns.

It was only when his legs began to ache and exhaustion began to get the better of him that he finally found where the lanterns led - a rather large clearing that looked more like a comfortable living space than a part of the forest.

A worn leather satchel hung on a low branch, grass patted down just about everywhere, with some vines and fabric arranged to create a hammock between two trees that encircled the area; and laying comfortably on a translucent fox spirit, half-asleep, was the person he had been searching for.


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