Chapter 4 - She is Cursed Now...

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(Author pov)

Kate: I don't know if you met Zata, a shadow dragon.

Colin: He is my dragon... But yes we met him in Dragones

The dragon slayers felt odd except Kate, she knew who was coming.

Kate: How did you come here?

???: Easy.

Everyone was shocked to how kate knew someone was there and that someone was there. Every one went to there fighting stances.

Kate calm as ever started to walk over to where the voice was, she started to talk while walking quite slowly as if she was not scared.

Kate: Oh really? If so then what do you need from here. Zata.

Everyone was shocked as the so called Shadow Dragon walked out of the shadow as if it's a human.

Zata: My dear... You still hold that anger to me? It's been so long since they died please. It's pathetic.

Kate looked pissed as she activated her second strongest dragon form because her strongest form is a dragon form like she becomes a dragon.

Kate: You MotherF*cker... I hate you and you're son. You are pathetic you filthy rat.

Kate charged at the dragon, everyone was gonna move to help the girl but a spell was casted at them by Zata since what he wants is a fight that he can't lose

Zata just standed there like an idiot but he moved so he doesn't get hit. Kate was close to his face to punch him but she can't she fell to the ground as if she was stopped by a barrier or she stopped on her own will.

Zata just laughed because he knew she was gonna back down.

Kate: What do you even want. You want to fight. But you're not letting me.

Zata: I want to get rid of Shadow.

Kate: so you want me to get rid of my brother in-law? The future Emperor of Dragones? You really have a death wish.

Zata: Not really. He has a slayer now.

Kate looked shocked, as if it was bad to have a slayer. Because it is bad to have a slayer when you are a shadow dragon since Shadow Dragons has been cursed by the Empress of Dragones since the king of Shadow Dragons Zata, Tried to kill the Princess Ohm when she was hatched.

The curse has yet to be lifted since the King of the Shadow Dragons has yet changed.

The curse of being killed if you're slayer got killed or you're slayer getting killed when you get killed.

That is why most shadow dragons don't understand what is it like when you have a slayer.


Zata: I did nothing it's because of his desire to kill me.

Kate knew that Shadow can and will do that if Zata is the reason. Kate knew that Shadow hates his father that he would sacrifice a slayer. Because what does he know? He doesn't hate humans he just don't understand.

Kate: If you're after the slayer. Why are you here?.

Zata: The slayer happened to be here so i went here.

Zata smiles as if he had won. While Kate stands there shocked. Who would get a deal with a shadow dragon here.

She looks at one person and one person only someone naive, someone who would do anything to meet there dragon once more. It's Blake...

(??? pov)

???: I am a fool

Someone says as he watches the thinks going down from blake's eyes

???: Shadow! How could you be this stupid!? If she gets hurt then Ohm would never forgive you!

Shadow said to himself while crying.
Ohm deeply cared for both her slayers
Blaze and Blake. But Blake is different than Blaze. Blake can be more stronger than Blaze. But now she is can be more stronger than Allumos. Why? Because she has two Dragons Slayer Magic Now.

Storm Dragon Magic and Shadow Dragon Magic.

Shadow: I am a fool...

(Kate pov)

Zata started moving towards Blake i tried to move but i can't. It does not matter if i'm strong. If i'm panicking i don't think right but this time i cleared my head. And broke of the spell and went straight to Zata casting a spell to hurt him and i did since he was not expecting that magic.

He lookesd at me with pure anger and i knew he was mad mad he's hand started to move up to cast a spell on me but before he did i casted a spell to break the spell he did on everyone as Mark hit him on the head.

Zata with pure anger eyes warped next to Blake and warped to the portal. He then closed the portal behind him.

Multiple people called out on her but Kate stayed silent and the warped to the portal to see it closed she then cursed out Zata.

(Blake pov)

I woke up in the middle of nowhere but it was dark i recognized that this place looked like a cave since i used to go to caves since i was kid.

???:Blake! It's me Shadow are you here? Blake!

Blake: Shadow! I'm here!

I then saw Shadow. But everything went black...


The Author here! i know i promised to post in May 23 but i just can't wait any longer so i did it! But i was also bored so yeah!

Have a Good Day/Afternoon/Night!

The Author Out!

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