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You just went to your bathroom and tried to wash the blood off...

Y/N pov:
You were still shaking as you tried to wash the blood off. It wasn't a lot, but it wasn't yours, and that's what freaked you out. You heard your closet door open, but most of the blood was off now. You washed the rest of it off and dried your hands. You walked back into your room to see Gonner sitting at your closet door. He noticed you and stood up.

He quickly ran up to you. "Will ye please tell me what happened?" He asked, concerned. You took a deep breath in and told him, "As I was out, I walked into my ex-boyfriend, and I may or may not have stabbed him." You explained. Him eyes went wide, and he stayed quiet, so you went on, "B-but he- well- it-it was self defense okay?" You stuttered.

He was still quiet, but you couldn't find anything to say to fill the silence. Just then, you heard your door open. 'Shit.' You turned around to see your brother. "Hey, are you hungry? The parents aren't home, so I can-" He looked up from his phone and paused. He stared directly at Gonner, and you knew you were screwed.

"I fucking called it! I knew he was in here!" He shouted. "(Brothers/name), stop it! Get the fuck out. I'm serious!" You yelled back. You tried to push him out, but he pushed past you. "No, I wanna meet your boyfriend." He giggled. You groaned as he walked up to Gonner. "What's your name, little man?" Your brother asked.

Gonner was only a year younger than your brother and wasn't much shorter than him either, so him saying 'little man' was obviously to mess with him. "G- uh- Conner..?" Gonner muttered. Your brother was surprised at his thick accent. "Cool accent. Where are you from?" Your brother asked. Gonner smiled and responded, "I grew up on the streets of London."

"Sick. That's the city of love, right?" Your brother asked. "That's paris.." You sighed and covered your face in second-hand embarrassment. "Close enough." He said. "I'm going to kill you." You muttered. Gonner thought this was hilarious and kept giggling. "Well, I gotta go, cya man." Your brother said and started to walk out. "Wait- do yall want food? I'm a horrible cook but I can order something."

Gonner was about to say something, but you covered his mouth. "We're fine; get out." You growled. "Jesus, fine." He snickered and walked out. You walked over and shut your door. Gonner bursted out laughing. "That's yer brother?" He asked, still laughing. You scoffed, "Unfortunately." You were so caught up with your brother that you forgot you still had blood on your shirt.

"Well," You paused, "Do you like the outfit?" He turned to you and smiled. "I do. I feel very caught up with today's time" He giggled. You felt butterflies swarming your stomach as he laughed, and you couldn't help but smile at him. You were caught off gaurd by something hard hitting your window. You paused, and hesitated before going over to your window.

You opened the curtain to see none other than Darin standing there with a few rocks at his feet. You froze in shock, but soon enough your brother busted in. "What happened?" He yelled in a panic. Gonner pointed over at you, and your brother walked over. He looked out to see Darin, as he picked up another rock. Darin threw another rock, and just as it made contact with the glass you flew back.

The glass wasn't the strongest, but it was pretty durable. Nonetheless you felt panicked, your heart was racing, you were sweating, and you felt numb with shock and fear. Your brother stared at you hyperventilating on the floor, and turned to walk out the door. Gonner stumbled over to him and tired to stop him. "A-Aye! Where 'r ye goin?" Your brother turned to him and responded "I'm taking this into my own hands."

Gonner understood what he meant, but still tries to bargain with him "But the guys only 14-15. He just be a kid!" Your brother scoffed "I couldn't give two shits if he's 'just a kid', he's terrozing my sibling and I'm not standing around and watching this bullshit go on. Why don't you go home? Things are going to get muddy, and I don't want you involved." Your brother went on. Gonner stepped back, but ran back into your room.

"I tried to warn him.." Your brother mumbled. You had caught your breath mostly, but still very shaken. You felt safer as you heard their conversation, but now scared for your brother's safety. Gonner ran back into your room, and you smiled at him. As you ran up and pulled him into a tight embrace, you couldn't stop yourself and kissed him on the cheek. You immediately pushed him away, realizing what you did.

Both your faces were bright red. You tried to speak but all that came out were sad squeaks of embarrassment. At that moment you wanted to curl up into a ball and die. The managed to get a few words out "I- Uhm- I'm sorry- I just- well- uh-" You stuttered, as tears started forming in your eyes. You wanted to cry, you thought you had ruined everything. It was so awkward, and you couldn't stand the silence.

What was really 10 seconds felt like 10 years. He rubbed the back of neck and finally responded. "Aye, don't worry about it. I really don't mind." He said smiling. You felt like a truck of butterflies had just punched you in the gut. It was a nice, but invasive feeling. You smiled at him, thankful that you didn't ruin the 'friendship' or whatever your relationship with Gonner was at this point.

Just as you started to ease up and forget about the whole situation, you heard sirens outside. You and Gonner rushed to the window, to see Darin being pushed into a cop car. You were thankful that he was being taken away now, until you heard a knock on your door...


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