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Y/N pov:
You hopped off the bus. The bus driver closed the doors as you unlocked your door and walked inside. It was the end of the school day, so you ran to your room. You were 14 and just beginning freshmen year at your high school. Your house was quite far so you had to take the bus, but it always gave you a headache.

Your parents wearnt home but your brother was, so you went into his room to annoy him. "Hey (his/name). What are you doing?" You pestered him. "Y/N go away, I just got home from school and I'm so tired. I'm not dealing with this shit today." He said, and pushed you out. You heard him lock his door. You sighed, he never hung out with you anymore.

He was 2 years older than you so you understood why. You went back to your room, and climbed onto the top bunk. You used to share a room with your older sister, before she moved to college relatively recently. You took out your phone and opened tiktok. You spent hours on your phone, scrolling through videos. You came across a certain video, and it caught your eye.

It was the losers from school. Cricket, Wires, and Marbles I think their names were. The video was about how they caught a real zombie on video. The zombie looked around your age, and also had pirate like clothing. You snickered 'tch, lame. Everyone knows zombies don't exist' you thought to yourself. The CGI was really well done, and you thought he was kind of cute.

You thought it would be funny to comment "Fake lol. Hes cute tho, anyone got his socials?" You laughed and put your phone down. You climbed down, and wanted to go see if there really was a zombie. You put on your shoes, and packed your pocket knife just in case. You left a sticky note on the kitchen counter in case your parents got home early. "I went on a walk -Y/N" It read, and on that, you went on your way.

You also knew you wearnt only going to see if there was a zombie, you were just bored. You went to the local cemetery which was located in a thick forest. You walked for a bit, but when you got to the foot of the forest you hesitated. You had never been there before and was a little nervous. You took a breathe and continued. About 5 minutes later you finally arrived "Oh thank god," You sighed "I thought I had gotten lost." You walked over to a bench to sit down, and looked around.

The sky had a weird green tint to it, along with tall rusted gates. The air was cold, not too surprising since you were deep in the woods. You didn't really want to go home. Something about home didn't really feel like home. It was peaceful here, you oddly felt calm. You felt as though time stopped, until you heard a twig snap. You snapped back to reality and looked around in panic.

'Maybe it was a small animal?' You got up and tried to identify this mysterious sound. In the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of something in the bushes. A hat? The figure stood up and you shrieked. "Aye, calm down! I aint gonna hurt ye." It said. It sounded like a boy, and you wondered if it was the same boy from the video. Without thinking you took out your knife and held it in front of you. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" You stuttered.

He put a hand on his hip. "Did ye not hear me? I ain't gonna hurt ye."You took a step back, but didn't but the knife away. "You are you? W-Whats your name?" You said in a more calm, but shaky voice. "Gonner." He responded. You couldn't see his face, but you could see he had slightly torn up and aged clothes. "Please put the blade away." He asked.

You slowly put the knife back in your pocket. "What 'r ye doin out here so late?" He asked. "I could ask you the same question." You responded in a sour tone. He didn't respond and neither did you. You hated silence so you said "Please come out. Actually- why are you even in the bushes?" He hesitated. "Dont freak out." He asked, and you nodded confused. He stepped out of the shadows, and revealed himself. He was a zombie!

You screamed "Y-YOU'RE A ZOMBIE?!" taking a few steps back. He scoffed and put a hand on his head "Aye this is what I'm talkin about, lassie's never listen." Your fear morphed into anger "Excuse me?! You're a zombie! Of course I'm freaking out!" You yelled. "I told ye to not freak out, and now look!" He yelled back. You were dumbfounded. You didn't respond. "Now please tell me why yer here at such a late hour?" He asked.

"I..I needed fresh air." You responded, "Now why are you here?" He leaned against the gate "I live here, tis' me home." You nodded. You payed more attention to his features. He has a tall pirate hat with a skull on it, and fluffy red hair sticking out from under it. He had soft amber eyes and freckles plastered all across his cheeks. He was quite tall, but wondered if that was just his boots.

"I'm Y/N." You said. He smiled at you which made your heart oddly flutter. "Pretty/handsome name for a pretty/handsome young lass/lad." He stuck his hand out, and you assumed it was to shake. You slowly inched forward, and took his hand. His skin was soft and cold, but he did have a good handshake. You looked out at the forest and took your hand away.

"I should get going," you said "see you tomorrow, Gonner?" He nodded "Bye Y/N!" He waved at you as he left. 'He was a little cute' though you felt weird admiting that, considering he was dead. You made it home safely. You rushed into your room, and flopped onto the bottom bunk. You felt nervous about going into the forest tomorrow. Since you now knew zombies existed, what else is out there? You just layed down and drifted to sleep..


Undead LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora