The Beast awakens

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after having the conversation...Momiji then brought Izuku to where he's staying
Izuku: "u-um" 
Momiji: "hmm?" 
Izuku: "t-thank you...f-f-for watching me" as he thanks her...she just hugs him 
Momiji: "it's Master Okuma can be pretty strict when it comes to teaching one how to control your quirk...but i think he has a soft spot for you" 
Izuku: "r-r-really?...I...I don't want to be treated different if it could affect my training" 
Momiji: "how is a cute, adorable kid like you so selfless? you need anything?...water? you need to bath!" 
Izuku: "uh" 
Momiji: "it's alright...i'll get it ready for you" 
Okuma: "Momiji...control yourself" and she nods before she heads out to get things prepared 
Izuku: " she?" 
Okuma: "She's just excited someone else is going to be here....Momiji usually trains a lot and doesn't really...interact with others...." 
Izuku: "there's others here?" 
Okuma: "there used to be...a lot of my students trained here if they need's just her and I...people avoid her...mainly because of her voice" and quirk" 
Izuku: "oh!...i forgot..what's your quirks!?" excited as out of habit he was about to reach for a non-existent journal but he realized it...
Okuma: "hmm? quirk...tell me...what do you think it is?" now asking him
Izuku: "w-w-well...I have a lot of strength...and...that you can crush a mans skull with just your hands alone" 
Okuma: "well...your right about's called the Mountain...and it takes a lot to do quirk...come here" and he then sees him wave his hands for a bit...and water started to come out through it
Okuma: "i really don't have a name for it...but i can form water out of the air...and i could even use it to boost my attacks...but it's very small...or i can traverse water quickly...if it's raining i can also  use it to shield myself..." and Izuku was just in awe seeing the water flow off his hands easily...
Okuma then just flicks his wrist and the water shot out in that direction
Okuma: "perhaps even stun them if i wish...but the downside is i can get very dehydrated...which is why i rarely use it..." 
Izuku: "u-u-um what about you Momi?" 
Momiji: "oh well....I" looking at Okuma and he her reassurance that it's okay 
Momiji: "*sigh*...okay...but please...don't be scared okay?" and he curious of what it is...she then takes her eye patch off showing a black eye that doesn't reflect light...and then she let out an aura that felt like fear...nightmarish even...he couldn't help but shake
Momiji: "My quirk is called 'Deliverance' it allows me to instill an aura that can cause a flight or fight response...although it can raise anxiety greatly...and make anyone weary around drawback is my eye here will start to bleed if i overuse it...which CAN lead to fatal bloodloss." all the while her voice changed back to that ghost like tone that he shivered from...but she covers it back up and the aura subsided...and he takes note on all of their quirks 

now that everything has been established....Okuma then guides Izuku over into the front of the temple which there was a large area for them to they started up with simple movements...and Okuma sits and observes Momiji would show him on what he needs to do 
Okuma: "and remember...if you were to try and train on your may ask for either me or Momiji to observe...for making mistakes as habits can we would want to stray from it" and he moving on to basic combat training...for this would continue on for days on end...Izuku could've stop anytime he wants...the training is based on how long he could last...but...with his will he exceeds a limit beyond anything they've ever seen...well...similar to the otherside....his familys search for him was still going on until it stopped...saying that he simply disappeared...well..only a few people know of his whereabouts...and some even think he's better off at the temple training with the harden Shugoki...but they pray that he is doing alright...but he does catch the eye of a certain someone...until then he undergoes a major training montage....

1st Month 
Izuku: "HAH!" as he swings the wooden Kanobo around...Izuku still has some problems with his temper now...which was odd...he never really thought he would have this...
Okuma: "STRIKE!!" and he swings the Kanobo and hits the dummy...and then he keeps going he then now spared against Okuma...of course with each swing he deflects it with just one arm...and it's awesome...but he needs to land a hit on him...but he did say...that he probably won't land one...until he finally gets to a higher skill level...which in one month...still isn't much...

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