Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3: Hɪs Sᴜɴғʟᴏᴡᴇʀ

Start from the beginning

"Bill, the most powerful and dangerous creature I've ever encountered. There's one thing you should know, never let him into your mind." You paused a bit while trying to puzzle everything to your head.

'Bill? Dangerous? Powerful? Ok, maybe he did say he ibliriated his own dimension, but i don't think he would do it again, will he?' You thought with your head slightly hurting from trying to theorize everything.

You then decided to close the book and put it on where you originally found it so your brother wouldn't suspect you snooping around his journal.

You looked at your bed thinking if you should rest or go downstairs to go see what those three were up to. Your mind made a decision and you went downstairs.

"Grunkle Ford, do you have any clue on what that text meant"Dipperr asked as he looked like he was struggling with something, "not yet.. butIi did decipher one text." The twins looked at him as he was about to read it out loud.

"A sunflower. The key to his downfall. His weakness. His everything." As grunkle ford finishes it seemed like your siblings looked like they were trying to think of an answer or any sort of theory on to what your grunkle has just said.

"There is more texts to decipher. That's just some of it." Mabel groaned and she even looked tired to say the least, "when is this going to end..." she said in an annoyed while also a mixed of a tired tone.

You decided to interrupt and have one of those dramatic entrance although you were questioning on how you were going to do that. You then cleared your throat and the entrance begins.

"Hello there family! Anything interesting from your lovely adventure?" You said happily and you quickly noticed that your siblings expression quickly changed to annoyed.

"Hello again Y/N! And we kinda did, we just need to solve something" your grunkle said as he was holding a piece of paper in his hands. "Also Y/N" grunkle Ford called out to you and you raised a brow at him, "do you know who Bill is?" He asked which you shrug clearly lying.

"Well let me explain it to you then. Bill, better known as Bill Cipher, Is a dangerous dream demon that can enter someones dream and mind, he makes deal with people, some people even sell their soul to him, he can even steal your physical body, and lots more" grunkle ford explained. Although you were supposed to be surprised, i mean. You truly were. But instead you're actually impressed and seemed intrigued to know more.

"He seems awfully powerful, what did he do to gravity falls for you to hate and fear him that much?" Everyones face than frowned, "well, he almost killed dipper and mabel, turned the town into chaos, also known as weirdmageddon, that's what he calls it. his plan is to take over the world and become a 'host that never dies' but we luckily stopped him before he could do so, resulting in him to be stuck in a stone form." Grunkle ford explained once more with the twins looking at eachother.

"I see." You simply responded. You saw your siblings still looking at the papers probably trying to decipher something as grunkle ford mentioned earlier.

"What did you three even find in the cave you were exploring?" You asked which you were obviously curious, it seemed that they found quite the interesting Intel in that place.

Grunkle ford then took a piece of paper from the small stack of papers he was holding, "here, this is the texts we already deciphered and wrote it down." He said handing you the paper, you took it and started reading one of the texts that was already deciphered.

The beginning will start.
A sunflower who will unexpectedly step in.
Meets a merciless demon who craves chaos.
Shares a unique bond and slowly grows closer.
The sunflower that will be his downfall, his end. But also his one and only.

You had to admit the texts were quite wholesome, it's like that one villain who doesn't care about anything or anyone and only cares about power and making chaos then they suddenly met the love interest and they completely changed the villian. Ah.. what good story plot for a fanfiction.

"This is some cute and wholesome writing.." you said with an 'awe' expression, "i mean, it is cute-" mabel agreed which was quite rare, for you personally. "But I still don't understand." Ford muttered which you three looked at him as he said that. "Why would this just appear after we defeated Bill..." Ford was confused, skeptical even. "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding..?" Dipper tried to calm him down from thinking any further that might stress the old man out. Ford sighed and soon spoke. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe." Was the only thing he said before walking off.

"..What was that all about?" You asked and the two twins just shrugged it off. "Let's go to Grunkle Ford." Dipper suggested and Mabel nodded and they soon walked off. A side of you said that Dipper probably suggested that so they could be away from you, but that was just skepticism.

"What now.." You muttered and soon just walked off on your own, thinking what you should do next.

«𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛»

1-16-25 21-23-10-4 25-9-3 3-10-20-19-6-5-4-23-10-20 4-16-23-4 15 4-6-3-12-25 21-23-6-19 23-22-9-3-4 25-9-3.

«{𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍: 29/12/22}»
«{𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎/𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑: 12:47𝙰𝙼}»

Another chapter edited.

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