Chapter 7

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3rd person's POV
Marcy sighed and shook the thought away.

No I shouldn't think badly of my girlfriend!

She sucked in a breath and looked away from the window, and scratched the back of her head in thought.

I like my girlfriend, right?

It was probably bad that she had to question that, but before she could think more on it, her phone had dinged which made her quickly grab it, hoping it was a certain brunette for some reason.

But it wasn't, instead it was her girlfriend, Sasha. Her shoulders slumped slightly and she knew she shouldn't be disappointed, it's her girlfriend after all. But she sighed and read the message.

Sash 💅✨
Babe what was up with you today?

Her brows furrowed as she read the text, she was genuinely confused.

What?? Wdym??

Sash 💅✨
Don't try to play dumb Wu
You literally ignored me all day

She frowned at the message, she knew for a fact that she had put all her attention on Sasha when she showed up at the store, and even ditched her best friend for her.

What are you talking about??
I hung out with you all day

Sash 💅✨
Oh so now you're gonna tell me I'm being dramatic?!

Im just confused
I literally stopped hanging out with Anne to be with you sash :(

Sash 💅✨
Well it sure seemed like you didn't wanna be with me
You always were spacing out
And you literally hesitated to kiss me once

She froze once she read the text, she know she hesitated but she didn't think Sasha noticed it, and for some reason she felt the need to come up with an excuse for her hesitation.

Well I was just thinking of cartoons
You know how I like talking about it and spacing out about it

Sash 💅✨
Yeah I know about it but it doesn't excuse it
It was almost as if you wanted to be with Anne more than me
You almost chose another girl over me, your gf

Marcy tsked and looked away, she couldn't believe what accusations her girlfriend was throwing at her, it was almost as if she didn't trust her.

Listen she's my best friend
But you're my gf
Since I'm dating you I'm trying my best to keep you happy
But you don't seem to trust me
Which is actually kind of upsetting

Sash 💅✨
And you're acting like a victim, please

Sash you know that's not what I meant

Sash 💅✨
Go run off to your other little gf Anne since you seem to like choosing her over me so much
We're through

To be continued...

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