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I tried so hard to infiltrate your maliciously nourished mind,
To break through your callousness, but it rendered me aphonic and blind.
All I wanted was to reach my one and only, my heart's true desire,
But I wandered miles and miles, only to be met with a forlorn case, a soul set on fire.

Freshly flourished thoughts abandoned me at the edge of your gate,
As I stood there, movements happening unwittingly, driven by fate.
Every attempt to connect with you was futile, in vain,
And in my desperation, I shaped a reality beyond expectations, where I let my sanity wane.

But you, you ruined everything so wonderfully, with your cold embrace,
Leaving me lost in a pit of hatred and bitterness, trying to find a trace.
You confessed, with cruel delight, that you were mistaken,
Crushing my heart, leaving me shattered and forsaken.

In the dark depths of despair, I struggle to find my way,
Holding onto the remnants of what once was, now in disarray.
My heart aches with every beat, filled with loathing and disdain,
As I curse the day we crossed paths, my life forever stained.

Your malicious mind, a maze I wish I never dared to explore,
For it led me to a place of darkness, where love was no more.
In this shattered reality, I dwell, consumed by hatred's fire,
A lost soul, seeking solace, hoping to mend the strings that tore.

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