Unpublished chapter

Start from the beginning


"We're here." He smiled. I looked at the big blue building and the hundreds of cars parked and the hundreds of people walking in and out of the store. I looked at Eli "So Eli? Is Eli like short for something?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah it is." He said a bit nervously.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Uhh I'm only telling you to make you feel better but never call me it okay?" He said sounding unsure of himself. I didn't say nothing but he continued. He took a deep breath and said "Okay it's short for Elijah but never call me that."

"Why? It's a good name."

"I hate it."

"Why? And isn't Eli like the same thing. I mean like can't people guess that's short for that?"

"Well you didn't." He said.

"You have a point."

We walked past a couple stores that didn't catch my interest.

"So Is Monica short for anything?" He asked.

"Nope. Not that I know of." I said.

"So why did you move here?" He asked. Could I tell him I was adopted? Should I just say my family moved here? I don't know what to say!

"Monica?" He snapped his finger.

"Uhh my adopters live here and they said I need an education so I came here." I said.

"Oh your adopted?" He said surprised.

"Uhh yeah but don't think I'm a freak." I said quickly.

"I don't it's okay I'm adopted too. Well kind of. My aunt adopted me but I still know my mom and my dad left when I was three." He said.

"Oh that sucks. Well I never knew my parents. I lived in a adoption place all my life." I said.

"Oh that sucks. I had gone for a year as my aunt fought for custody but besides that it's not really that bad for me. I see it as my dad left because he was no good and wasn't mature enough to raise a child. He also beat my mom so I'm glad he left. As for my mom I live with her but I never see her because she's like at a bar getting drunk 24/7." Eli said.

Oh was all I could say. We continued to walk a bit. I looked around and the whole mall was basically outside.

"So what's the name of the people who adopted you?" He asked.

"Oh um Justin hills." I said.

"Oh that's cool." He said.

"Yeah actually my house is just a few blocks away." I said.

"Really? Is he home? Can we go?" He asked.

"Ummmm they're probably home but let's just go." I said. I can't believe I'm doing this. Why did I say we will go?! God I'm so stupid if I get punished for this I totally deserved it cause I'm such a dumb ass.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at my mansion of a house. I looked at Eli as he gawd at it. I guess he didn't realize that was my house because he said "I wonder who lives there. It's like a freaking mansion."

"Umm I live there." I said as I put the key in the gates lock letting ourselves in.

"You live here?! This big house just for two of you?!" He said.

"Um no it's actually five of us." I said.


"Yeah their like in a band." I said. He didn't ask anymore questions and I unlocked the front door walking in. I looked around and thankfully no one was in the main room. I close the door behind me and I heard some cough and I knew it wasn't Eli. I turned around slowly to see kellin standing there with his fist on his hips.

"Uhhhh hi." I said.

"Monica what are you doing home?! With a boy?!" He almost yelled.

"I-I'm sorry." I stumbled.

He pulled me in a hug and said "it's okay Monica but don't do it again. You could of got hurt."

"I-I was with Eli though." I said.

"I know you haven't learned how people are yet but if you're in the street unsupervised people will take you and Eli too." He said.

I nodded and mumbled "yes sir. I mean kellin."

"Hello." He smiled holding out his hand to Eli. Eli just stood there starring at kellin.

"Um Eli?" I said snapping my finger and he came back to reality.

"Oh my gosh! You're kellin Quinn! Dude I love you and your music!!" He practically yelled.

"Ha thanks Eli." He said.

"So can we watch a movie or something?" I asked.

"Sure." He said and we picked a movie and he put it on for me. He made popcorn for Eli and I and then he left the room.

"So you're adopted by sleeping with sirens?" He asked after a while of silence.


"How's that going?"

"It's okay I guess." I said then neither of us spoke again and we just watched the movie.


When the movie was over Eli said he better be getting home and then left. I was just laying on the couch on my phone.

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