Chapter 16// The start of Tenjiku

Start from the beginning





"Ugh, you guys are like pests." Haru signed, blowing on her bloody fists. The bodies of Tenjiku members lay around her. " You guys are Tenjiku right? Pffft, pathetic little assholes."
"Impossible! How could a single girl beat up all of us? What should we do, Mochi?". Some guys  standing around asked.
"You're strong." Mochi said outloud.
"Uhh thanks?". Haru raised her brow.
"But we cant waste anytime here." 
Haru turned around again but due to her fighting, she was weaker. The metal pipe came straight for her head, knocking her unconsious.
"Take her with the boy and let's go." Mochi said, walking away.

While on Takemichy's side...

"..things look pretty bad for you here." Kisaki said." Better not let it end here." 
"We'll meet again." He turned away.
"Hey isnt Toman made up of 5 teams?". Mochi said. 
"Who's that guy? He's huge." Takemichy thought.
"Does the other 4 suck as much as these two?" He said, throwing a figure at Takemichy." Toman ain't shit!".
" Haru-san?" Takemichy said. He looked up to see Chifuyu still dragged by Mochi.
"I'm gonna enjoy torturing this guy." he said as Takemichy's eyes went wide in fear."We should leave the girl, let's go easy on her."
One of the guy grinned. "He got punched by Mochi while the girl got hit with a metal pipe, there's no way she-"
"..would get up that easily?" Haru appeared, giving the guy talking a punch to the face." Sorry hun, but you're talking to a girl who got smacked in the head by a brick by a bunch of pests like y'll last year. I've had practice." 
"Haru-san, you shouldn't be used to it". Takemichy said, sweating.
"You fucker," Haru said, turning her body to the crowd" you're Kisaki, right?". 
"Hmm. Yes. I'm guessing you are Haruko Yori, Vice Prez of Blood Moon, a friendly gang associated with Toman..." Kisaki said.
Haru tilted her head in surprised." Damn you really are a stalker, huh?."
Kisaki stayed quiet.
"Surprised to see a women messing around with delinquents? Don't worry, I get that alot. But.."

"....let go of my boyfriend." She said, her dark aura flooding the scene.Almost  like Mikey's dark impulse. 
"Boyfriend huh..." 
Haru groaned in frustration. " What is wrong with you?? You kept on dragging your words and speaking so mysteriously..and you sound so surprised to find I have a boyfriend....oh wait." She stopped, lookking at him and smirking.
"You cant pull any girls, cant you?". 
Kisaki's eyes widened in shock. 
"Its unusual to see such a nerdy-looking guy doing the dirty work for Tenjiku, a strong gang. Ahaha!!" She laughed. "You look so desperate, its pathetic."
Kisaki silently turned around, saying something to Mochi.
"Finish her".
Mochi nodded before launching at Haru, she was prepared and blocked his attack. She delivered a blow to his head but counter attack with a kick after. She knocked her heels into his stomach, kicking his head with the other leg. Mochi staggered slightly before knocking Haru away. She held her hand up to block the attack but she fell far.
"Ugh my head hurt." Haru said, sitting up." Even my ass hurts."
"Pfft. Bet I can make it hurt more". Chifuyu mustered out.
Haru threw him a disgusted look. " You're half dead and you're still thinking of railing me. Unbelievable."
"Gladly rail you anyday.".
She sighs."Takemichy, I can only move for about 10 more minutes. All of you are all beaten up. Can you think of anything?" Haru asked, rubbing her head. 
"Ugh, I dont know!". Takemichy cried.
"Fine, I'll make myself a decoy and you all try to run." Haru said, getting up.
"I don think you need to do that." Chifuyu said, sitting up. 
"Huh? Why?".
But her question was answered when they heard a scream from behind the Tenjku crowd.
"Huh?" Takemichy said.
"What the? What's going on?!".
"There's a bike coming through!!". 
Everyone scattered away, some screaming " They're gonna run us over!" and " Runn!!!". Haru swore she heard someone say " Its the Meguro Devil Twins!!". 
Suddenly a bike appeared in front of them, revealing a fluffy blue haired guy with a scowl on his face.
"'Sup, First Division." He said, his voice radiating off kindness, unlike his facial expression. Haru recognised Takuya, who layed helplessly on the guy's shoulder. He suddenly got really close to Takemichy's face.
"Look." He pointed. " I found him collasped on the street so I gave him some first aid.But make sure he gets to the hospital ok? I'm worried about him." He said. Haru got on her feet, staggering a little. He seemed to noticed her. 
"You look familiar." He said.
"Haruko. Preferably Haru. We met at Toman's meetings before. Vice of Blood Moon." She said, holding her hips, leaning on one side. It was clear someone tried hitting her on the side. " Didn't I invite to my sleep over a few weeks ago?".
"Oh yeah, but I fell alseep." He replied.
Takemichy said, sweating."Um can someone?-"
"Take, you were at the sleepover too?!". Haru said, surprised.
"He was busy with Hina." Chifuyu said, sitting on the floor.
"Fuyu, that sounds sus." Haru turned to him.
"How about we-"
Another motorcycle came. " Hey now, Takemichy!". Riding the bike revealed a pink hair guy.
"That dude aint me." Smiley said.
"There's two Nahoya-kuns??". 
"They're twins." Makoto said.
"Under that smile lurks the heart of a demon. The older bro, aka Smiley. " Haru explained, poiting to Smiley.
"Dont point, its rude." He sneered.
"Sorry. This guy" Haru moved to the blue haired." His enraged face hides an angelic heart.The younger bro aka Angry". 
"The fourth division leaders are twins?! So cool!! did you know them, Haru-san?" Takemichy asked.
She shrugged. " When I got to know Toman through Baji. Didnt particularly hung out with them but I knew who they were. Plus," she strides over to Angry and put an arm around his shoulder.
"Me and this guy are bros." She smiled.
"Yeah," Angry said, returning the gesture, slinging his arms around her as well. " She's one of the coolest person I've met."
" cool!" Takemichy eyes light up at the duo in front of him.
"Now, admire us later. We got some unfinished buisness." Haru said.
"Thats right."
"Chifuyu, can ya stand up?". Smiley asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
"Chifuyu!"Takemichy said happily.
"Takemichy and Chifuyu hop on.Hold on tight!". Angry said, starting his engine.
"Let's go raid Yokohama!". Smiley added.
"Time for a counter attack!". Chifuyu grinned.
"Wait, wait, what about me!?" Haru started. " I'm coming-"
"Haru." Chifuyu said. She froze and turned to him.
"This might be dangerous, we dont kn-"
"Fuyu, I literally took out a whole bunch of them earlier!".
"I dont have all the facts yet so it might be dangerous to come along. This might be a new Arc for all we know." Chifuyu whispered the last part to her. 
* fourth wall cracks little 
"If the situation gets too serious, I'll add you in." Chifuyu said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Haru opened her mouth to say something but quickly close it. " Fine."
"Good girl." He whispered. "Now be safe." 
"Such a tease." Haru said under her breath, hiding her blush.
Chifuyu smirked before turning to the twins and Take.
"Let's do this." 

Let the Tenjiku Arc begin..


The start of my favourite Arc <w>

Chifuyu~ /////W/////

Do you like Kazu 

( obv why else would you be here??) 

2499 words 

OK have a good day :P 

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