𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕.

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"𝐘/𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏!" 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 rush i left xiao standing there confused, with hu tao and verr still jumping in each other's arms. i turned to head to see him running after me. once he was close enough he embraced me into his arms, laying my head in his chest. i heard his heartbeat speed up slightly as his grip tightened around me.

"calm down. tell me what's happening.." xiao's voice was hushed, but full of care. i gradually pulled away and looked up at his face, which was full of worry.

"i-im not sure, my mother called me saying it has something to do with my father. it's urgent, apparently." after a few seconds of silence, xiao nodded and grabbed my hand in his. without warning he sprinted off, pulling me behind him. he was fast. really fast.

"come on! if it's urgent we need to get there immediately." his face was turned away from me, so he couldn't see my cheeks heat up and develop a bright red hue.

as we neared the mansion my heart almost dropped. the flashing noise and lights of police sirens filled the sky, which at this point was filled with clouds. a few raindrops fell from the sky, landing on my face.

as we neared the mansion i saw the large amount of police cars circling the entrance, making sure no one got in or out.

i looked around frantically until i saw my mother talking to one of the officers. she noticed me and waved me over immediately. "y/n!" i sprinted between the sea of cars and officers until i collapsed into my mothers arms, tears threatening to flow down my cheeks. xiao came running after me and wrapped his arms around me from behind, his warm breath tickling my neck spreading a calming sensation down my back.

"what's going on?!" i questioned, as i pulled away from my mothers hold and gripped her shoulders. her cheeks were stained with tears, and her breathing was heavy. i could tell that she was panicking, but trying to put on a brave face. i lifted one of my hands of her shoulder to cup her cheek. "please tell me what's wrong, mother." she started to shake slightly, and then, she broke down into tears.

"y-your father.." her voice broke, as she pointed to the direction of the mansion. i slowly turned my head to look at the front door, there was a police officer and a familiar figure. my father. i took a closer look and noticed the officer pushing him towards one of the police cars.

"is he..getting arrested?! why-" i got cut off when the officer brought him over to us and handcuffed him. he nodded at my mother who then turned to me.

"y/n. after you left someone called the police and when they arrived they took him into custody for assault." i looked over at xiao, who looked down at the ground in an attempt to hide his injuries. i then looked back at my mother, nodding at her to indicate i wanted her to continue. she sighed deeply and continued. "they ended up doing some background research and found that he had been creating fake money and was scamming other companies."

the police officer then spoke. "in other words, your father is being arrested for fraud."

i glanced at the disheveled man in front of me, who i called my father and glared at him. he gave me a sharp stare back. "this..this is all your fault! you're a failure of a daughter! if it wasn't for you i could still be living in my mansion with servants tending to my every need! you'll pay for this-"

the police officer cut him off by tightening the grip on his wrists, causing him to grimace in pain. "that's enough mr l/n."

he glared at me once more, but didn't say another word. "mrs l/n, would you and your daughter like to say anything to mr l/n before he is taken away." the police officer spoke to us.  my mother shook her head, and turned her back on my poor excuse for a father.

the hidden feeling of rage i felt over all the years of being controlled and yelled at boiled over. "i have something i would like to say." anger laced my voice as i gave him a cold glare.

"i'm so done with you, controlling my life, controlling my decisions. i don't care what you say! from now on i will make my own decisions, and the first one will be who i marry. i will not be marrying zhongli.." i reached behind me, grasping xiao's hand in mine and pulling him gently so he stood beside me. "i'll be marrying xiao! because i love him!"

i felt a hand cup my cheek from beside me, and turned my head to be met with xiao's lips on mine. it was only a small peck but enough to enrage my father. now it was xiao's turn to speak. "sir, i love your daughter, that's why i'll make her my wife. she's mine, and no one else's." i felt my cheeks heat up at his words, and they heated up even more when his arm snaked around my waist.

"you! you're the one who ruined my plans, i'll make sure you regret every-" the police officer forced his hand in front of my fathers mouth, shutting him up.

"yeah, yeah, we're done here. let's take you away." with that, he dragged my father into a car and closed the door. "have a good evening." the car then drove off, as all the other officers started to drive off as well.

a few moments later, i saw a familiar couple walk up to us, their faces laced with worry. guizhong sped up when she saw me and she gripped my shoulders with her hands. "y/n, i heard what happened. is everything okay, dear?" i gave her a smile and nodded, then i turned to zhongli who stood next to her.

"mr zhongli..i apologise. you are a lovely man but i don't want to marry you." i took a step back and looked down at the ground, the silence suffocating me. however, the silence broke at the sound of a low chuckle erupting from zhongli's mouth. i shot my gaze up to look at him, confusion clouding my mind. he then covered his mouth with his hand, composing himself.

"ahem, miss y/n. there is no need to worry, because i'm afraid i don't want to marry you either." he gave me a gentle smile before snaking his arm around guizhong's waist and leaning over to plant a kiss on her head. i sighed in relief and burst out laughing, causing everyone else there to laugh aswell.

after a few minutes of laughter my mother spoke. "y/n, xiao. just tell me what date you want your wedding to be and i'll arrange it immediately." zhongli and guizhong laughed again, whilst xiao and i stood there with our faces heating up, spreading a hue of blush across both of our cheeks. xiao then took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss it, giving me a little smirk in the process.

"i'm happy with any day, as long as it's soon."

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