Exhausting but worth it....

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Win got discharged from the hospital.
Bright was so happy, he have renovated and decorated a beautiful bedroom for his son.
They both thought of many name's for their son, but they didn't like any.
So then win come with an idea of keeping their son's name as light, LIGHT CHIVAREE.....
Because it's the same as his husband's name. And bright too like it.

Their family of three was so beautiful..
From the day light have come in their life, their everyday routine gave changed.

And the most beautiful thing is Bright is trying to be a very good husband and an amazing dad for his wife and son.
Every morning he would get up earlier than win, after giving him a morning kiss he would do his morning route then he would go to check up on light after checking of light he would go in the kitchen to prepare the milk for light and would do break fast for him and win.

Then he would do his office work till his both babies get up from the deep slumber...

"Bai... Can you bring me the milk for light" Win said as he was busy changing the diaper of light.

"Ok, baby. Wait I'll bring" Bright said as he got up and went to the kitchen.

Win pick up light who was smiling widely to him, he had a same smile as his dad. Win cooed as he smooch light on his cute nose.

They both left the room and headed toward the Hall, where they saw bright coming with a bottle of milk in his hands..

"Look lighty your dad had bring you milk" Win said to light who laugh loudly while looking at win and then to his dad.

"Hey my lighty, do you want milk" Bright said as he pinched light's cheeks who laugh loudly.

"Give him here I will feed him" Bright said to win as he took light from win's arms but not before giving a quick peck on win lips.

"Hey...What are you doing" Win hissed but blushed when he saw light looking at him.

"Kissing my wife" Bright said casually.

"Not in front of our son" Win blushed.

"Ok.. Ok, let's go to the living room. " Bright laugh loudly at win's cuteness.
Both bright and win were sleeping in their bedroom.
Bright was back hugging him while sleeping and their legs tangled with each other.

But their sleep got disturbed when they heard a crying sound.

Win  frowned not wanted wake up then he turn around as now his face was deep buried in Bright's chest, bright pulled him closer.
He hissed again when he heard the crying voice.

"Bright go look at light" Win mumbled.

"I don't want to get up, you go naa" Bright whined.

Finally win gave up remembering that bright always woke up early.

He slowly entangled from Bright's grip and straighten his clothes and got out of his room but not before covering a half naked bright who was only in his boxers.

"Aww.. My lighty don't cry dada is here" Win said as he pick up light from his crib,whose tears were streaming down but he stop crying when  he saw his dada.
After drinking milk light slept off, he carefully put him in his crib and covered him up and then headed to their bedroom.

It was their daily routine, every night light will get up and cry, sometimes he is hungry or sometimes he have wet his diaper.
Both were so exhausted, and couldn't get proper sleep.
It's normal for a couple with a child.
It was exhausting but worth it.

Win got on the bed, and snuggle close to bright who gladly welcomed him.

"Did he sleep" Bright mumbled.

"Hmm.he slept just now" Win replied.

"Ok.... "

"Good night bright"

"Good night love... "

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