Goodbye... Hello

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A/N- Thank you for your patience with me and for all the good luck wishes. Sorry for the long wait. I will now try and update more frequently. 


"Okay well I think we should drop 3 of the schools since they are in foreign countries Rain hasn't spent that much time in and it will make him uncomfortable," Idris suggested.

"That makes sense. You are on about Casleebruxo, Mahoutokoro school of magic, and Uagadou school of magic, aren't you?" questioned Elijah, and received a nod in return.

"Okay, well we'll wait for Hadrian to wake up and ask him which school he wants to go to and then make a decision." Said Gabriella.

Everyone sat down in the living room and waited for Harry to wake up.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Not long after they had finished the convocation Harry started to stir and wiggle around in Axel's grip. All eyes moved to the wiggling child.

"Are you awake, sweetheart?" Gabriella gently whispered to Hadrian, whilst Axel ran his fingers through his hair. Harry just groaned and turned and buried his face into Axel's chest. This caused everyone to chuckle and Harry groan once again. 

"Come on, wake up babe. We need to talk to you" Idris said, which gained Harry's attention as he sat up a little bit, looking over at Idris. He started to rub his eyes and pouted.

"What, where are we?" Hadrian whined, now looking around. He finally noticed that he was home, and sat in the living room. 

"We need to discuss your schooling, since we don't think it's best for you to remain in Hogwarts. We think it's between three schools; Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic, Durmstrang Institute, and Ilvermorny. What do you think?" Benjamin said. 

"But, why can't I stay at Hogwarts? Why do I have to move schools I've just started there," questioned Harry, looking around at everyone. 

"Because it's not safe for you there. Dumbledore is planning something and we don't know who else is involved and you could be seriously hurt. Besides its kind of already in motion, your father withdrew you from Hogwarts during the meeting."Elijah explained, gesturing to Andreas halfway through. 

"Oh, but isn't Beauxbatons Academy an all-girls school. So I can't go there because I am a boy," said Harry, saying the word boy lounder. 

"Yes, but we talked to the Headmistress, Olympe Maxime, and she is willing to tutor you personally. A special exemption has been made for you to attend the academy as her pupil if you choose that school. A similar arrangement has been made at Durmstrang Institute." Ezra explained, solely looking into Harry's eyes.

"Hold on, you've made arrangements with two schools in less than a day. I pulled Harry out of Hogwarts five hours ago." Andreas said, looking incredulously at Ezra. Who in turn just shrugged.

"What, I'm so confused. Durmstrang is an all-boys school. What could you have possibly arranged with headmaster Karkaroff?" Questioned Gabriella.

"I basically discussed the situation with both headteachers and they both offered to personally tutor Rian if he transfers to their school. Though Karkaroff mentioned something about his start pupil also helping Rian to reach his full potential." Ezra further explained. 

"Okay so basically, Ilvermorny is out of the question," stressed Harry, looking around at the adults. Ezra nodded, whilst the rest of them shrugged. 

Just as Ezra was going to speak up again, a small bell sounded, "what's that?" he questioned instead. "It tells us when there's someone at the front gate, whether they're magical or not," Andreas explained whilst Gabriella looked out of the window. 

"It looks like Madam Maxine and Mr Karkaroff are here," Gabriella said. Turning back around and looking at Ezra, "Did you know they were coming here today?"

"No, I talked to them through the floo a few hours ago" Ezra explained. Andreas opened the gate for them to come through and made his way to the front door. He made it there just as it was knocked upon.

Once the door was opened there stood Madam Maxine and Mr Karkaroff. "Hello sorry for the intrusion without any notice but we would like to suggest another option for the schooling of Hadrian Potter-Villarreal. My name is Igor Karkaroff, headmaster of Durmstrang Institute, and this is my friend Olympe Maxine, headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy" Said Mr Karkaroff. 

"Oh hi, I'm Andreas Villarreal. Please come in and join me and the others. We're just discussing Hadrian's school situation with him." Andreas said somewhat awkwardly and turned to lead them towards the living room where the others were waiting.

When the living room door opened again everyone eyed the two strangers behind Andreas as they weren't entirely sure who they were just yet. 

"This is Olympe Maxine and Igor Karkaroff headmasters of Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute, respectively. They have come up with a new offer that they would like to suggest. Oh, and I'll introduce everyone to you two as well. This is my wife Gabriella, This is our son Hadrian. And these seven men are basically extra fathers to Harry, it's a long story. Axel Vaughn, Felix Hildebrand, Idris Acosta, Elijah Moreno, Nickolas Nihtengan, Benjamin Page, and Ezra Garcia." Andreas gestures to each person as he introduced them.

"Hello everyone, Hi Hadrian how are you?" Greeted Madam Maxine.

"Hello ma'am, I'm okay thank you. How are you?" Said Harry, once prompted by Axel. As he was too nervous about doing so on his own.

"I'm okay, young man. Would you like to hear the idea that myself and Igor have come up with?" questioned Madame Maxine. Everyone nodded, as Gabriella asked their house elf for a tray of refreshments, as Madame Maxine and Mr Karkaroff sat down. 

"Well, Olympe and I have discussed the idea of Mr Villarreal-Potter attending both of our schools. So some days I will tutor him with the help of some of my best pupils, and some days Olympe will tutor him other days with the help of her best pupils. We will transport Hadrian between the schools and he is able to visit home at any point he wishes if it gets too much for him," said Igor. 

Andreas and Gabriella both looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "That sounds amazing but how will this help you two and the reputation of your schools," questioned Ezra.

"It won't, as we will try to keep this quiet for Hadrian's safety. We heard Dumbledore throwing a tantrum about how something went wrong with the Potter twins. How the one they sent away didn't grow up with Lilian's magic-hating sister and become so eager for attention and approval. I personally thought it horrific and discussed the matter with Igor, and we came up with this arrangement." Explained Madam Maxine.

"I think this is a good idea. It will be good for Rian and he will learn more, experience different cultures, and make more friends," said Idris whilst everyone, including Hadrian, nodded along at Gabriella and Andreas. 

"Okay, I think we will take you up on this offer then. We just need to get all of Harry's belongings from his dorm at Hogwarts and discuss the details more. But for now, let's have some lunch and just relax." Said Gabriella.

Word count- 1193

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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