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author's pov

What if someone wanted to live happily but it was no longer possible?

He wanted to die.

He once had had the will to live, love, laugh.

But all he wanted then was, death.

.. .. ..

"Hyunjin, we have a proposal." hyunjin's parents said. Hyunjin, who was a ceo of a huge company named after him, loved his parents so much that he'd do anything for them. Anything to fulfill their wishes.

"Yes? What it might be," he asked. This sudden proposal made him feel a little uncomfortable since he probably had known what was gonna come.

"You're getting engaged with Yuna after a few days," his mother said and smiled, thinking he clearly would accept it.

But he thought otherwise.

"Yuna.. She's the perfect one for you. She's also good in many skills and thus she would be a perfect wife. We of course want the best for you, and i think Yuna will keep you happy and hearty." his father added.

He remained silent at the statement. He had nothing to do except for listening to his parents anyway. His opinions didn't matter.

"Yeah.. But, I don't really think i'm in love with her or ever will be." he however, stated this.
"Oh Hyunjin, time will answer everything. Just you wait. You're not interested in anyone else anyway, are you?"

He shook his head. He wasn't, indeed. So he couldn't make excuses.

"Then this marriage should be the best for you since you're not interested in any other girl. You can't stay unmarried forever, you know." his father stated.

"So now it's settled! After a day or two, you might get a beautiful ring for the engagement, got it? I'm so excited and happy for this. Also Hyun, you get to choose the ring. Get the best one, yeah?" his mother couldn't be more excited.

Hyunjin however, didn't seem to be excited at all. He just nodded and forcefully smiled.

"Yes.. I will be getting the best one." he had accepted his fate with Yuna. He thought what his parents were doing was good for him so he didn't make any statement any further.

.. .. ..

"Hey Jisung,"

"Yeah hey, i heard you're getting engaged with Yuna?"

"Ah stop with that. Is this how u say hello back?"

"My bad. How you doing? You're gonna say about it anyway. So why the delay?"

"Oh well yup. Now it's like 11:30 pm and i gotta pick up a ring for the engagement. I dunno what to choose. I honestly am not that interested in choosing. Would u wanna send me a ring from Malaysia instead? Choose whatever."

"Woa, you really are uninterested. Well, i doubt i can do that. Since your parents sent you to get the ring, i guess you should obey them in that case."

"You're not my mom."

"Oh yeah indeed. I'm your dad."


"Whatever it is, you still agreed to it, no?"

"I... Certainly did, since i had no other choice. I can't even give excuses because im currently dating no one."

"Yeah. But you're getting old, so you might get married instead of being single for the rest of your life. I guess thats what your parents want."

"I'm only 26."

"Well um. You're turning 27 in a month, forgot that? Besides, 26 isn't only."

"Then why aren't YOU getting married?"

"Because my parents ain't like yours, i'm sorry to break it to you."

"Agh.. I know that. Well whatever. Let me get this work done real quick and sleep. I might just get into a bar to drink off my anxieties."

"Ah.. Here u go again.. I will not suggest you to do that. Since you have high tolerance, i won't stop you either. But make sure u don't drink much, yeah?"

"Mhm. Get your ass to work, good bye."

"Yea yea. I'll let you know when i'll be coming back to Korea. Bye"

He went straight to buy a ring. He didn't want to spend time on such a thing but unfortunately he had to make sure Both of his parents liked the ring.

So he chose carefully.

After looking carefully, a ring finally caught his eye, which had an oval shaped diamond.
It was slightly blue themed ring which matched with his taste.

He bought it and went back to his car. Then he drove to the nearest bar to drink. He wasn't in the right mind, his mind was full of thoughts about his married life and how he couldn't do anything about it.

He was absentminded. He took the ring along with him.

Entering the bar, it was crowded already. He just sat and started drinking heavily. He couldn't get enough. He didn't want to stop.

He really didn't want to agree to this proposal.

His mind was full of thoughts of those. He started to think what he could do to stop all of those. Turned out that he could do nothing. He had no choice. Let alone excuses.

He had to fix his hair and wash his face, so he went to the washroom there. While coming back, a guy walked past him real quick, hitting him.
He quickly stopped and looked back for apologising.

"I'm really sorry- i did- didn't see you." he tried his best not to look at him but Hyunjin looked at the eyes.

He was crying. Hyunjin's eyes widened a bit because of that. But however, as soon as the man apologised, he walked away quickly, seemed like wiping his tears.

Hyunjin was left there dumbfounded. He didn't hesitate to walk along with the guy to see the matter. He wasn't thinking anything at all then.

But him.

What made him cry?

He went after him to find out. But sadly, he had lost him. He was mixed in the crowd. Hyunjin tried looking for the guy but in vain. He then slowly walked out to his car, still wondering why he was crying. Because nobody else was.

He got into the car and drove off, not realizing he had dropped the ring somewhere there.

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