Chapter 14: My Heart Is Yours

Start from the beginning

The blue flicker disappears all of a sudden and Levi is brought back to the current moment. The television had shut itself off automatically. Levi looks back at Nico who is still fast asleep, his left hand near his face on his pillow, with a new addition on it: his wedding ring. The black matte material of it looks so good against his soft black hair.

Levi gets up and walks to the balcony door, he quietly opens it and gets out to the warm summer air. There's some slight noise coming from the road underneath, but the sky has now cleared and he can see the moon and as many stars that is possible through the smog of city of Seattle.

"Nico. My sun sword. My guiding light," Levi had started his vows. He had been so nervous about writing them that he hadn't managed to finish them before the ceremony started. Taryn had suggested just to wing it, and that's what he did. It was funny how much he had been freaking out about his vows, but when he had been standing there in front of Nico, the words flowed naturally and he felt like he got everything he needed across in a rather elegant string of words.

Levi could hear his mother sob in the distance and after he finished speaking, both Nico and him looked at her and smiled gently. Levi saw how Casey who had been standing next to her had taken it upon himself to comfort her, offering her a tissue and an arm around her. Levi appreciated it, and he knew his mother did as well.

Levi cherished each word from Nico's vows to him.

"You are my candle in a dark room, you are my rock, my guide through life. I will love you forever," is what Nico finished with, and it had taken all of Levi's strength not to join his mother in sobbing right there and then.

And before Levi realised it, they had exchanged rings and were breaking the glass wrapped in a white cloth in front of them on the ground.

"Mazel tov!" the guests cheered and they both smiled from ear to ear. Levi's heart felt so full, standing there with their closest friends and family at a park in Seattle. Nothing too fancy, no frills, just love.

It was all so perfectly sappy, so perfectly personal. So perfectly them.

Levi jumps as he hears the balcony door open. Nico walks out, wearing nothing but his underwear, same as Levi.

"Hey you," Nico says, his eyes still sleepy but he is smiling.

"Oh no, did I wake you?" Levi asks and turns to face him.

"I always wake up if you're not in bed with me. I start to miss you," Nico smirks.

"You are so cheesy!" Levi rolls his eyes, but still has that wide grin on his face.

Nico just shrugs and smiles, looking happy with himself. He then joins Levi at the edge of the balcony and places his body behind Levi's, hugging him from behind so that they can both watch the city lights.

They stand there in silence for a bit, then Levi starts to laugh.

"Can you believe Link?" He chuckles. Nico starts to laugh with him.

Levi had noticed Link enjoying his champagne all through the reception at the down-town restaurant they had picked. Link was getting louder and louder after each glass, his smile wide and happy. Nico and Levi exchanged amused looks every now and then. When it finally came time for Link's best man speech, he took the microphone and walked next to the small centre table in the middle of a cleared space of the room where they would be dancing later. The wedding cake and some presents were placed neatly on the table.

"I could not be happier to be part of this day that shall henceforth be called the Kim-Schmitt Day," Link had started his speech with a somewhat lame joke, slurring a bit at a few words. He was holding champaign on his other hand, taking a sip every now and then.

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