I Thought It Would Be Us|Yoonkook OneShot

Start from the beginning

They both chuckled at that and hugged each other tightly. After they released, Yoongi got in the car with his parents and they left.


Yoongi and Jungkook kept there promise to talk on the phone everyday and catch up but it only lasted two months. After that they didn't have any contact with each other til they each got each other's high school graduation announcements. After getting that announcement Jungkook decided to look him up on Twitter one night and he found him. He found his Yoongi. Jungkook did find out he was dating someone. He didn't read into it too much he was just happy he found his friend. They again had limited contact this way.


Present Day

It wasn't until today when Jungkook's brother Hoseok sent him a text. Jungkook even though he was married now he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of something left unsaid. The text his brother sent.

Hoseok: Yoongi is engaged.
[Pics attached] (Facebook post)

Jungkook: Yay! Awe he's adorable. Much better than the other guy he was dating before.


Jungkook took to Twitter to congratulate his hyung since he didn't have a Facebook.

@//MinYoongi.94 Congratulations on your engagement hyung. I'm happy for you! 💜

@//ParkJungkook<3 Thank you! That means a lot. We should catch up soon!


The day of Yoongi and Taehyung's engagement party. This is what it led to. Jungkook was happy with Jimin. Wouldn't trade him for anything or anyone, but this was his first time seeing Yoongi in 14 years, and it's at Yoongi's engagement party! It's crazy! Nuts even! Jungkook walked in hand and hand with Jimin. He couldn't wait for Jimin to meet Yoongi. Jungkook himself couldn't wait to see Yoongi and meet Taehyung. They each got a drink and looked around. Jungkook saw Jin and Namjoon right away. "Jin hyung it's been to long!" "Jungkook, oh my God your all grown up!" Jin said as they hugged. "And married! This is my husband Jimin. Jimin this is Jin, Yoongi's brother and our friend Namjoon." Jungkook introduced.

"Actually Jungkook, Namjoon is my husband!" Jin exclaimed. "Oh my god how did I not know about this?! Congratulations." "Well you only kept in touch with Yoongi even though it was very minimal, also dude you need to step into this century and get a Facebook and you would know these things!" Jin rambled on. "Well its nice to meet you both." Jimin spoke up. "Likewise." Namjoon said. "I can't believe Yoongi is engaged." Jungkook says. "Neither can I, but I can't believe your married. Little Jungkookie is married." Jin marveled. "I could say the same about you, hyung." "Touche."

"Yall getting acquainted?" They hear someone say. They turn to see Yoongi and Taehyung. This was the first time in 14 years Jungkook saw Yoongi. Jungkook thought he looked stunning. Everything he felt for him when they were kids came rushing back. He hated feeling this way because he has Jimin. "Yoongi!" Jungkook exclaims. "Hey Koo. Your all grown up." Yoongi says. "I could say the same about you Yoon." "This is my fiance Kim Taehyung." Yoongi introduced him to Jungkook and Jimin. "Its nice to meet you Taehyung." Jungkook said as they shook hands. "I'm so happy I finally get to meet Yoongi's childhood best friend." Taehyung replied. Jungkook is staring at both Yoongi and Taehyung. "Ahem." Jimin chokes out. "Oh right sorry love. Yoongi, Taehyung, this is my husband, Park Jimin." Jungkook introduces Jimin. "Nice to meet the man that has Kook's heart." Yoongi says as him and Jimin shake hands. "Its nice to finally meet you Yoongi. You as well Taehyung." Jimin answers. They parted ways since Yoongi and Taehyung had to get the festivities going and mingle with other guests.

Later that night

Jungkook and Jimin we're sitting at a table having a good time. Jungkook noticed Yoongi at the bar by himself. "Go talk to him." Jimin says. "No I'm having a wonderful time with my husband." Jungkook answers. "Kookie I know you want to talk to him. I know you two have unresolved feelings for one another." "We we're just kids, besides I have you now." "Jungkook, I love you with all my heart and I know you love me with all of yours. Go talk to him and get the closure you need. I'll be right here waiting for you." Jimin tells him. "Ok." With that Jungkook strolled his way over to the bar. "Hey can we talk?" He asks Yoongi. Yoongi turns to look at him. "Of course. Let's go outside."

Once outside they find a bench to sit on. Neither of them knew what to say. They couldn't just say oh how have you been? It's been 14 years! "I really like Jimin." Yoongi breaks the ice. "You don't even know him. Hell Yoongi you don't even know me." Jungkook answers. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Yoongi we haven't seen each other in 14 years! I-I missed you everyday after you left me. You didn't keep your promise!" Jungkook was frustrated. "What promise?" "That we'd be together again one day and that we'd always stay in touch!" "Jungkook we were just kids then, we didn't know what life was gonna have in store for us." "That may be, hyung, but losing all contact with you hurt so much." Again Jungkook was the one crying and like always Yoongi was there to comfort him.

"I-I..." Yoongi didn't know what to say. "Hyung I always thought it'd be us in the end. Every since the day you kissed me when we played truth or dare with our brothers and Namjoon hyung." Jungkook finally said it. "Jungkook I kissed you on the cheek it wasn't a real kiss." "How can you say that? It was real. Real to me." Jungkook stated. "I didn't know you felt that way." Yoongi replied. "Hyung, I still say to this day that, that was my first kiss, doesn't matter to me if it was on the lips or not." Yoongi looks at him. "Jungkook do you still have these feelings towards me?" Yoongi asks.

"No, when I met Jimin I knew he was the one for me, but seeing you today brought up a lot of old feelings." "I'm not gonna lie but when I saw you today too I got those same feelings rushing back but like you said when you met Jimin you knew he was the one for you. That happened to me too when I met Taehyung. Were with the people were supposed to be with Jungkook." "Yes, but how do we make the feelings for each other stop?" Jungkook asks. "I don't know. Honestly just with time the should subside. We're with the people we're meant to be with." Yoongi states again. Jungkook shakes his head on agreement. "I'm sorry I told you that, that kiss wasn't real. It was real to me too. I also say it was my first kiss too." Yoongi admitted. "Thank you for saying that it means a lot." "I thought it would be us too in the end, but life had different paths for us. At least it brought us back together. I can honestly say though I loved you Jeon Jungkook." "And I loved you too Min Yoongi."

With that they went back inside to there respective partners and they knew that they had made the right choices in life.


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