The Players & Servers

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This next chapter is, quite possibly, the most important of all. I have to apologise before we start for not talking about this earlier on. This chapter necessitated hundreds of hours of research, and I had to get together with a rather large group of people. But it was all worth the information I have gathered.

This is the first part of a series of chapters on the larger subject of Minecraft. This is a subject that is often spoken about by those unversed in the subject, often with bitterness and venom towards those who are involved. And, so, I felt the need to gather as many people's (whilst staying on subject) opinions.

This is an incredibly complex subject, hence the multiple parts needed. I have decided to go at this subject with the most logical point: Players. For these are the most important parts of this recipe. In fact, it is only thanks to them that knowledge of Minecraft exists, maybe even the entirety of Minecraft's existence owing the Players.

To begin with, 'Player' is a term used for the people who can travel through the Minecraft Servers, something we will get to later. These people are just like any other people: pale skin, dark skin, short hair, long hair, tall, short, large, small, mischievous, serious, reckless, paranoid. I think you get the point. These people are just like you and me. Well, almost.

These people wield a power stronger than any other: they are allowed to go between Minecraft Servers. They can go through the very fabric keeping worlds separated, and can change these worlds as they wish: build sprawling cities, light up the Servers with life, be it a small spark, temporary and weak, or a raging fire, unending and strong as an army of a hundred men.

Few Players manage to have their names pierce anything more than temporary memory, a soft whisper whisked away as fast as it came by time. But those who do have gone down in history. The most notable of these have been mentioned in this book before: Hermits, from the Hermitcraft server. These people are more than just humans: gods, their immortality forged from years of work, of lighting up their worlds.

Now, I already feel the questions: what are Servers? Well, this question has a rather long explanation, one I will give in the most understandable way.

In short, Servers are worlds of their own, created by Players with Commands from within the Lobby, something which will be talked about in the next few chapters. They are made up not of Peculier like our worlds, but Code. Code is a fluid thing, ever-changing and ever-reorganising itself. It is a roaring river, swirling through every inch of the worlds. It is essentially filled with Peculier itself, but a much purer, compressed form of it, allowing it to bend to certain Players' wills.

These Players are known as Admins: the creators of the servers. They are allowed special access to the Code through Command Panels, and can alter it in a variety of different ways, the most notable of which are the following:

- Whitelist: Whitelisting is a command used to allow players into a privated server.

- Ban and Kick: These two are used as punitive measures against Players: Kicking forces a Player back into the Lobby temporarily, and Banning places them on the Blacklist, not allowing them in ever again. However, this Command has an unwanted side effect, one I will talk about in its own time, called the Void.

- Time Commands and Weather: Admins can choose to set the current time to any moment in the day, and can make it rain or be sunny whenever they want.

- Adding tools: Servers tend to differ in tools: certain Servers have older models of tools such as the Elytra, Communicator, etc... Admins get to choose how advanced their tools are.

- Compressed Redstone: Compressed Redstone is a very complex thing: it is essentially, as its name suggests, redstone that is shrunk. Communicators are made possible using these. However, it does have a downside: Compressed Redstone slows the Code considerably. To counter this, Players must get permission from Admins to use it.

The term 'Server' is also used to define a group of Players who stick together through several worlds. This is caused by several different events:

- An update in the world: Every few months, or even years, the deity known by the name of 'Mojang', who controls all Servers, issues an update. This includes improvements in certain objects, addition of new biomes, and updates in general Server generation. This only causes a change in the world when it changes the generation of terrain a huge lot.

- Series: Some Players stream their adventures in Servers for the whole world to see: these people tend to gather in groups to create more content. Most of the time, the ties that are created are so strong that even when the Players make as much content as possible, they still wish to continue. So, they create Series, groups of Servers linked together by the presence of the same people.

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