The Collision

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Concentrated readers will remember my words in the chapter on Pockets: I mentioned Earth, and how it is not a Pocket, but an entirely different planet. Across my hundreds of travels around Arencia, the Pocket closest to Earth, I have heard tale of the series of events that led to addition of Earth to Lorln. I, however, could never tell the story with nearly as much detail as a local, so I give my heavy thanks to Richmond Smiths, a friend of mine of Arencian-Earthian origin for the next part of this chapter.

Hundreds of years ago, maybe even thousands, Lorln and Earth were two separate planets. Separated only by a thousand kilometers, they both were highly similar. The two patron goddesses of both worlds, Parnlia for Lorln and Motregal for Earth, were close. There exist hundreds of depictions of these two together.

It is said they met at the exact mid point between both planets once a year, for a week, upon a small asteroid named Pargal (as a reference to both goddesses), under the shining astral lights and seas that are galaxies.

A painting can be found showing this, providing one of the most academically recognized examples of the two and their relationship.

Parnlia is depicted as is most common: a young, dark-skinned woman with short, curly purple hair that seems to mirror the galaxies around the two, wearing a long, flowing white dress topped with a dark corset on top. Hundreds of intricate pieces of jewellery are sewn into her hair, resembling stars on her already night-sky like hair.

Motregal is shown, similarly to Parnlia, as is most seen in artworks with her : dark skin covered in pale star-shaped freckles, long, flowing brown hair going down with what looks like moss crowning her skull, a pair of deer-like antlers emerging from her temple. She is shown wearing clothes made of seemingly wood bark and moss.

The two sit at a table under a white pergola, plates laid out with various snacks upon the table. Parnlia holds a letter, sealed with a seal of red wax in which a heart is imbedded. It has been discovered by historians that this is the moment that marked the collision of Earth and Lorln: the proposal of Parnlia.

Following this very moment in time, Parnlia and Motregal were inseperable. Upon the end of the week, after which the two planets drifted away too far for either to stay in Pargal any longer unless they abandonned their planets, the two became racked with grief. Their tears dropped down to both Earth and Lorln, and the lands were cursed with unending rains. The two returned to their individual planets, but their love for each other was so strong that they could only think of the other. Their planets began to come closer and closer, day after day advancing.

The rest of the myth is incredibly vague: However, the general consensus is that Earth crash-landed on Lorln, destroying hundreds of islands west of Arencia. The two planets combined masses, forming a planet twice as large as before.

Yet again, many thanks to Richmond Smiths for that amazing tale.

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