Chapter 14

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Here are some of my favorite tags from 'Sexy Times With Wanxian', the infamous AO3 book that had over 4400 tags... iykyk (image from ColeyDoesThings on youtube)
Y/n/n = your nickname
"Hey, this is Simon Criss, who is this?" I heard from the other line
"Oh, hi, I'm y/n, Victor's friend." I responded.
"Oh well I'll hand the phone off to make brother then, talk later cutie."
Did he just call me cute? I said once sentence with a shitty ass phone and you literally cant see what I look like, but oh ya I'm cute.
"Hey Vicky some slut's trying to call you." I heard the older man shout.
Goddamn when I see this man he is getting a slap to the face.
"Uh hey, I'm a bit busy right now, who is this this?" Vic asked.
"It's y/n." I responded
"Oh okay, never mind then, why'd you call? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine it's just... I'm scared. Like yeah there are cops around every inch if my place but just what if Maddie figures out how to get in?"
"Y/n/n, trust me, you'll be okay. If you want to you can come over to my house?"
"I'm on house arrest. I can't ho anywhere without my dad and I always have to keep a gun on me. Maddie's been considered 'armed and dangerous' and since she also did ju-jitsu, she's been deemed especially dangerous. I've also agreed to hang out with Connor and his friends later."
"Well I'm right here if you need me, I know I may not be there in person but I will do my best to help you and we can get throught this together. Okay?"
"Okay." My weak voice could barely be heard.
"Now, if you need to vent about anything, I'm here for you and I'll listen and do my best to help."
"It's just..." I stopped as a single tear came out of my eye, "It's just been so hard because I'm now the only person Connor can really trust and... it's just so difficult trying to be strong for him after this and I just... I-... I don't know anymore."
"Hey, if you ever need me to come over, whether it be for you or for Connor, I'm only one call away, and I'll get here as fast as possible okay?"
"Now, how about to lighten up the mood we play a game?"

The Second Hockstetter {Victor Criss x reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz