Valentines day

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Ron: Happy Valentines day, Hermione! *Hands box of chocolates* 

Hermione: Oh, Ron! That's so kind I would have never of expected — *Opens box* an empty box...Ron, where are the chocolates? 

Ron: I uh...ate them on the way here. I got hungry, I'm sorry *wipes face, ridding it of chocolate* 

Hermione: Well I guess it's the thought that counts! 

Ron: I wrote you a card too! *Hands card* 

Hermione: That's lovely! *Opens card* Roses are red, violets are blue, you're so pretty, you look like you-know-who...

Ron: I made the poem up all by myself! Without help from anybody! I even wrote it myself, see? That's my handwriting! I call it the *whispers* Ron... 

Hermione: That's um...great! *Hands Ron box of chocolates and card* I got you these for Valentines day.

Ron: *Opens box* Oh goody! More chocolates!

Harry: Make way! Make way! Here comes the star of the show! The one who puts the Valentine in Valentines day! *Walks along with numerous fan girls* 

Fangirl: Harry! Open our Valentines cards and presents!

Harry: Later on, later on! Right now I have to parade through the halls of Hogwarts to show peasants I'm better than them! 

~Later on when all the single teachers talk about their depressing lives in the staff room...I think they do this anyway~ 

McGonagall: Well, I finally got a Valentines day card this year 

Dumbledore: Really, from who? 

McGonagall: Mrs. Norris. I was patrolling the corridors as a cat and Mrs. Norris thought I was a boy so she wrote me a card. And by a card I mean putting her paw in ink and pressing it on a piece of paper. 

Flitwick: It's better than a poke in the eye 

McGonagall: It wouldn't be as painful...

Dumbledore: I always get Valentines cards from my fans! 

McGonagall: Dumbledore, nobody likes you...

Trelawney: What about you, Snape? Did you get any cards from anybody? Maybe be Slenderman? 

Snape: Cupid shot me with this arrow 

*All teachers gasp* 

Snape: So I tore that little sod's wings off

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