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The train goes through a tunnel, the dark kinda scares me for a minute but once I can see again I'm better. It opens up to unnatural people, with weird hair, weird skin tunes, their so excited it weird. Especially when you remember we're basic being sent to our deaths yet here these people are happy as ever. As unsettling that seems to be to me. I don't understand how the capitol people could be so happy. I don't want to wave back to the capitol people I want to give them a look of disgust. A look of dread. A look that says it all. But I know that won't do me any favors. So I don't. I stand behind, and watch as peeta steps forward smiling and waves to the capitol people. When he notices me watching he says. "Never know, one of them could be rich" I shrug my shoulders in response.

As the train pulls to a stop, I'm rushed into a building called the remake center. Six different capitol people are on me, making me more human as they call it, they begin to rip out most of the hair on my body. I scream in pain from it. In response one of them looks at me. "Shh Honey, your being so brave" she says in her high pitched voice.
I bear my teeth when I remember where this might be playing, I stop screaming and just cry in pain for a while when they finished. Pink and sore all over, one of them hands me a light blue robe, I take the robe in my hand, and carefully putting it on. When I hear it, "you know you're really not that bad, you almost look human now" almost? Almost!? What am I not human? Not in their way? Of course not, of course I'm not like the way they think humans are.

"Thank you" I respond in more harsh voice than I would of liked. I watch all six of the people leave as someone walks in, he doesn't look like he comes from the capitol, he got black normal looking clothes on instead of unnatural clothes, he doesn't have unnatural skin color or hair color, he barely has make up on, only having it under his eyes. The gold makes his eyes stand out more to me. He smiles, "hi" I say in a confused tune to who he is. "Hello, Asher, I'm your stylish cinna" he says. I try my best to smile and seem hopeful Pleasant. But I can't help how much I already hate the capitol. And it's people.
He begins to go over the plan for my outfit, "how do you feel about fire?" He ask. I look at confused for a minute. I don't really know much about fire which might seem silly since I come from the district of coal. But it mostly because I was sheltered as a kid. Mostly by mother before she became lost to the world. If only she could of continued to shelter me. I think to myself.
"I don't know much about fire, why?" I ask. Cinna turns to me, "because I want you to be the boy on fire. I think the industry of coal has be overused, and clearly it doesn't work" he adds, which I agree. In all of my years wearing my teeth and watching the games. District 12 tributes have either been a joke to the capitol and panem or just forgotten. Just another reason why no one ever wants to be reaped from district 12, barely any hope keeping people alive back home. In other districts they have their victors to look up to. In district 12 we have a Victor but he almost always drunk and barely gets out of his house. And every year is almost the same for district 12. It's got to the point where most people from my district stop watching because they just couldn't watch two kids die again and again. Some blame haymitch, but I'm not unsure. I think it was a mix of having a mentor like haymitch and the fact that most of the tributes from my district gave up before they even got to the area. I hope I don't give up so easily, but then again I can't really give up if I do my whole family watching and seeing it all go down.

Cinna beings to dress me, in a leather like outfit that goes from my head to my feet, he carefully begins to put the matching cape and head piece he smiles as he does. He pats my head. He then walks me to where peeta and his stylish (polia) are waiting. He dressed in the same outfit as me. Cinna and polia tell us that they look the look of us as a team. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I know the capitol might not like it since they mostly like straight love stories, I only know this because of the propaganda that snow plays every year. To remind us. I think he sees two people of the same gender in love as a rebellion act he must with how he plays it. "But" I about to begin when I'm cut off by cinna he looks at me. "Don't worry about that, if you two look good enough that won't matter trust me ash" he says. It's a nickname that only mother used to use. It makes me trust him for the use of the nickname. "Ok" I say hoping this won't go wrong for peeta and I. Cinna shows us the remote, because my second concern is that we're be put on fire for the glory of the capitol. And that's not how I want to go out.

"It's not real fire ash Don't worry it's fake" it almost like he can read my thoughts the way he answers my questions before I even have a chance to say them. Can he? Surely the capitol doesn't have that kind of technology yet? Or do they? Could they perhaps have such a weapon? I'm not sure. But it seems so. Or maybe cinna just good with people, good with me. I think. He leads me and peeta over to a cart, two black horses are pulling the cart as it comes to a stop, a letter 12 is craved into the side of the cart. I reach my hand up and pat the horse, peeta smiles "it's likes you", his voice is so pure, so much like a child, I wonder what the world much seem like to him especially the capitol. Cinna smiles and helps us on the to the cart. Cinna wishes us Goodluck and then he gone. The tributes from district 1 and 2 begin to come out, the capitol excitement at seening them. Career tributes born and trained killers, the usual stars of the previous 73 hunger games. This year seems to be more of the same that is till our cart begins to move, as it does I feel someone touch my hand and quirky pull it back to me. "Come on they love it" I hear him say., I turn to peeta and decide to let him take my hand, taking his hand back, as I raise it to the crowd who in response don't seem as upset as I thought they be. Instead they seem excited and happy, some of them wondering what we are doing, a little girl from the crowd throws a red rose to us, in which I catch it, for the first time in a long time district 12 finally has the capitol attention. I continue to hear cheers from the crowd who begin to shout me and peeta's names. I smile and begin tiwave at them, they go crazy when I bring my hands up to my lips and blow them kisses. Something I would of been disgusted and disappointed at if not for how this is Turing out. When I say it "you're hot" I say to peeta who in returns he turns to me, "get it because of the flames and fire" I whisper he nods his eyes are locked in mine as if he taking those words to heart but why would he take my words to heart? He smiles, "thanks but the fire fits you more trust me" he says in response.

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