We are twins? Yeah we are.

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It turns out that Len and I have to start living together. Not because we are lovers, but because we are twins. Actual twins. Not for show, but by blood. As I stood at his doorway while supposed to be meeting my father. I couldn't even look up at him. I had loved and missed my own brother... I could feel the tears welling up. I couldn't see Len's reaction at all. My mother and I were invited to come in and eat dinner, so we did so.

Our parents were trying to make conversation the whole time, but both Len and I were being silent no matter what they said or asked. Len wasn't even trying to act like he usually does. I couldn't take it any longer. They kept asking questions like how we met and how we became friends and even if we ever liked each other more than friends. But they were kidding when they asked that. I couldn't get up and just leave no matter how much I wanted to. But Len could. And he did. He got up and asked, "May I be excused?"

"Of course not, Len. Our family is here." My so-called father said. Len automatically said, "I don't care." And he just left. I looked back to see him walk away. That was when I heard my father say, "I'm sorry he is being so rude, Rin-chan." I looked at him and answered with a smile, "Don't worry about it. Do you mind if I go find him and talk to him?" My father looked at my mother and said, "Sure, go ahead." I got up from my chair and headed up stairs. I already knew where his room was because I would come over whenever his dad wasn't here. But I actually have never been in his room.

I knocked on his door and he told me to come in. I walked in slowly and his face was buried into his pillow an she was laying down flat. So he was hurt too... "Len-kun..." When he heard me, he said, "Nevermind. Leave." That got me upset. "Len-kun! Don't push me away like that! W-we are siblings now!" It hurt me to say that, I could feel the tears in my eyes but I wiped them away to be strong. "I don't care! I don't want to be siblings with you at all!" He yelled through his pillow so he was muffled. "Stop being such a Winey baby! And what's so bad about being my sibling?" I asked. Then I added on, "Get your head out of the pillow so I can hear you correctly."

"I don't wanna... Cuz if I do y-you'll see me crying... Also the answer to your question is cuz I love you more than a sister! Did you forget?" He said, but he wouldn't lift up his head. "Len-kun... Please lift up your head so I can talk to you correctly... You aren't the only one upset!" The tears wouldn't hold in, I could feel them spill out on my cheeks. Len finally sat up. He really was crying. That hurt me so much. I sat by him and hugged him and he hugged back. "I love you, Len-kun... But we can't be together anymore." He probably could hear me crying through my words "But we can be together as siblings, ok?" I pulled back from my hug and smiles but the tears were still on my cheeks.

Len nodded but held up his index finger like holding up the number 1. I tilted my head in confusion and he placed his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away. Then his face leaned close to mine. I didn't pull away. Instead the tears wouldn't stop no matter how much he tried to wipe them away. Our lips touched. That's what he meant. He meant one more kiss. I don't know how long we kissed but I didn't want it to end.

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