2. Introducing me

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As soon as I stepped out of the elevator my best friend launched himself at me and gave me a hug so tight I swear I couldn't breathe. "How is my favourite girl doing?" The only answer he received was a bit of mumbling about how it was too early to do anything except sleep, but once he smiled at me and showed off his dimples, my mood instantly lifted. "Come on Jade, let's check out the bus yeah?"
"As long as you start with where my bed is, sure."

"Jade, be careful what you wish for aye, I'll happily show you the bedroom." Kieren grins and shoots me a cheeky wink while grabbing a cigarette from behind his ear and lighting it.

"I'll just take your suitcase to the bus yeah?" Andy said, but he didn't really wait for an answer and walked away with a comically large baby blue suitcase.

"I would rather die than sleep with you Anderson, it's not happening, No matter how many times you joke about it."

As soon as those words left his mouth a dark haired man, whom I unfortunately failed to notice before, choked on his coffee. "Damn Kieren, I'm glad someone can keep your ego in check."

With cheeks matching my chipped red polish I turned around to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Jade, I mean it's Jade Isabelle but no-one ever calls me that except my parents or my brother when he's in a bad mood. I don't know why I'm telling you this. Anyway, sorry you had to hear that, first impressions are apparently not my strong suit."

He held his hand out for me to shake it and he didn't look bothered by my little nervous rant. "Nice to meet you Jade, I'm Clem."

That was my cue to shake his hand and tell him it was nice to meet him too. Instead, I just stared at his hand like an idiot. I noticed a little tattoo close to his thumb and I wondered if he had more. Before I could finish my train of thought Kieren smacked my arm.

"Ow, what was that for, dickhead." I winced and rubbed my arm to soothe the place I knew would show a bruise tomorrow.

"First of all, I know what you're thinking and you should probably delete that thought right now. Second of all, did you forget how to shake a hand or something?"

"I don't know what you're talking about K."But my cheeks only deepened their blushed colour. Then, I remembered Clem was standing right in front of me, with his hand still out for me to shake. My eyes immediately shot back to Clem's hand. "Sorry, it's nice to meet you too."

"Yeah I'm sure it is." Kieren mumbled to himself.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with a confused look on my face, but Kieren had already walked away to finish loading up the bus.

"Why does he always do that? He always walks away without finishing the conversation, I swear one of these days...UUGGHH."

"Are you talking to yourself?!" a blonde haired man leaning against the bus comments with a look of disgust on his face. "And what if I am? Can't a girl just talk to herself in peace?" I try to walk away but the blonde only seems to get more annoyed. "I have had it with you fangirls thinking you can just show up anywhere and invade our privacy! The tour hasn't even started yet, but that doesn't stop you lot now does it?" I look back at him in shock. "I have no idea who you are or what you're on about but I'm definitely not a fan of whatever this is." I storm off towards the entrance of the bus but realise Kieren hasn't given me the code yet, thankfully the door opens and to my surprise my older brother, who I haven't seen in ages, is standing in the door opening. "JORDAN, thank god, I'm so happy to see you. This random guy just started rambling to me about fangirls and shit, is this like an everyday occurrence around the bus because if it is I'm not sure I want to do this."

Jordan hugs me and asks who on earth I'm talking about? But before I can answer the blonde guy shoves me and Jordan aside to enter the bus.

"Ah, I see you met Tommy!"....

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