A big smile came across Liam’s face and I knew he figured out who was coming over for dinner. Thankfully he didn’t say anything to the other two because if they found out then I would never hear the end of it.

He squeezed my shoulder and shrugged, “Alright mate. We can all hang out some other time. Hope you have fun tonight.”

I gave him a smile and said, “Thanks. I’ll try my best.” I would have to remember to send Liam a text later thanking him for not saying anything to them.

“I gotta get to class guys. My mum says if I’m late one more time she’s gonna kill me. God she’s such a drama queen sometimes.” Louis rolled his eyes and gave Niall a quick kiss before walking down the hall to his class.

Niall chuckled, “At least now we know who he gets it from.”

We all laughed before waving goodbye and going our separate ways. My next class was long and boring. I never thought it was possible to actually die of boredom but after sitting in my history class I knew that it was. I was extremely thankful when the bell rang and I practically ran out of the classroom and to my locker. There was only one more class left and then I was free to go. I made my way to my last class of the day and bumped into Zayn on the way.

“Oh, hey. Sorry about that.”

He just shrugged it off and kept walking.

Well then. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the desk last period. Maybe he was in a hurry or something. Probably just wants to smoke in the bathroom without getting caught.

I chuckled at my thought and sauntered away down the hall. Thankfully my next class wasn’t too bad and normally it went by fairly fast. I sat down at my desk and reached in to pull out my pencil from the small pocket on the side of my backpack. When I reached in I grabbed a folded up piece of paper with my name on it. I recognized the writing as Zayns so I quickly unfolded it.

Meet you at your locker after school. I have something to show you.

I couldn’t hold back the huge grin that appeared on my face and when I looked up from the note the kid next to me was staring. I gave him a ‘what the fuck you looking at?’ look and he immediately turned his attention to his own desk. I laughed on the inside and folded the note up before slipping it back in my pocket. I was hoping that Zayn wasn’t messing around with me because I was quite excited to see what he had for me.

Sadly I was wrong about this class going by fast because it seemed to drag on forever. Every minute felt like an hour and I couldn’t help but blame Zayn for that. If he hadn’t written me that note then I wouldn’t be so eager to leave. When the bell finally rang I jumped out of my seat and ran as fast as I could to get to my locker. When I reached it I had noticed that Zayn was already there. He was staring at me obviously amused by how fast I was running to get there.

He smirked, “So eager to see me?”

I tried to hold back a blush but I knew that there was no way to hide it, “No. Just wanted to get out of school.”

He could tell that I was lying and chuckled, “Alright, if you say so.”

“I do. Now show me.”

He raised his eyebrow, “Show you what?”

“You left this note in my backpack saying that you had something to show me.”

He laughed, “Oh right. That. I changed my mind.”

“You cannot change your mind! Show me! Now!”

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, “Calm down Styles. I’ll show you later.”

I rolled my eyes, “Fine. But you better actually show me because if you don’t I’ll be upset.”

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