Chapter 4

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I smirk thinking about after the heist because after the heist I'm coming for you Tomlinson and I will be fucking torture you to death for taking my money and my rum.

But little did I know...

Harry's POV

The anker is put down far away enough of the kingdom to not notice us, because getting noticed would most likely end in a game of tug of war with our necks and let's just say that we wouldn't win.

We make our way towards a quite entrance in small row boats, Liam, Zayn and I on one and some of the other crew on two others following us. We finally get to where we can no further row our boat, we get out of the small boats and step foot on land that we are not welcome on which is made rather clear by the hanging corpses on the kingdom's wall with the sign 'beware pirates, this is your fate.' Making me chuckle and shake my head, all kingdoms claim this crap but rarely they actually catch a pirate most of them are just basic deck scrubbers that did nothing wrong except stepping foot on a pirate's ship.

"ok so this is what we are going to do. We will sneak to the bank and make our way in through the back door while one of the crew members makes a fuss on the other side of this place so that all the guards will go there and then we will have free game, there might be some people inside so we will kill the ones trying to play heroes and keep the ones that just let us do our thing live, Zayn you will stay on the lookout while Liam and I grab the gold savvy?"

Liam and Zayn both nod and I give the crew their sign before Liam, Zayn and I start moving through the darkened streets of this kingdom, stopping and hiding at any sign of a guard running past but thanks to the crew member that I have put as bait.

"Come let's go the bank is right there." I say pointing to a building with the words bank on it making me roll my eyes how easy do they want to make this shit.

We make our way to the back of the building and we indeed find an entrance there, I open it and to my surprise it actually opens. Do they want to get robbed or something?

We make our way into the bank and I'm surprised to only see two guards leaning against the wall not noticing us yet and having some useless conversation. I'm about to make myself known when someone yells "The gold! Someone took the gold!" My eyes widen and I look at Liam and Zayn who give me a shocked look back. "We need to leave now!" I practically growl out while making my way back to the door but I'm stopped in my track by a harsh way too clean hand grabbing my shoulder. "where do you think you're going filthy pirate thieves?" I smirk while turning around to see a rather tiny blond haired guard making me chuckle loudly.

"Why are you laughing pirate! You will get hanged!" I roll my eyes "No thank you buddy I have a bit too much to do to hang, prehab's another time?" as I finish my sentence I pull my sword out making him take a big step away from me "A guard and a coward? This is our lucky day." I swing my sword towards him while he desperately tries to grab his gun but he's too late as my sword slashes his throat.

"We should really leave now." I say while wiping my sword clean on the death guard's jacket. Liam and Zayn nod and follow me out of the bank where we are met with the sight of many guards with their guns pointed at us.

"Oh for fucks sake this was a great idea huh Zayn!" I say before also grabbing my gun and pointing them at one of the guards "This would be a great moment for a loud bang Liam!" "Huh what do you even mean Captain?" I groan while keeping my eyes on the guards that look on edge and ready to shoot at us.

"For fucks sake! Blow it up!" I hear Liam gasp "Oh right, get it Captain!" He throws the bomb up towards the guards and I shoot the bomb causing a loud bang and a lot of smoke, which gives us a change to run which we obviously take.

We run as fast as we can to the little row boats and get in, I notice that the boats for my crew are already gone which means that they either have been stolen or that my crew fled the scene already like pussies.

Liam and Zayn row us back to the ship while I think of painful ways to kill someone because I'm sure that this is Tomlinson's doing! I don't understand how he knows where we are and how he's always just faster.

As we get to the ship, I notice that everyone is very excited and I don't know why.

"What in the bloody hell is going on here!" My crew makes way for me and I notice two tied up figures both looking like they want to rip my throat out with their teeth.

"We caught these sneaking around on the ship captain!" A proud looking crew member says, I walk closer to study their faces and I notice that one of them is smith... weird?

And the other one I don't recognize, a small man with brown hair and blue eyes... I've never seen this man before in my life.

"What are you looking at Styles? Hoping that I might have your gold hidden in my eyes?" The man spits out like venom.

My blood starts boiling "Tomlinson!"

Whoop whoop there is Louis!!!! Excited? I might not kill him which is very special for me apparently hhahaahha.


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