First encounter

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She's known me 1 day but I've known her for 4 years
I've hated her for 4 years.
I was the new guy in 7th grade and I was already upset about moving and being away from my friends but Adrie just made everything so much worse.

It was my first day of school and while I was filling up my water bottle one of the football players ran into me and made me spill water all over myself and Adrie stood there and didn't even bother helping, I guess that's just how Sandy kids are raised; disrespectful and careless.
The water was all over my pants
I sighed knowing there was no way to fix it so instead I just looked at my schedule and focused my attention on finding my class
"Social studies with Mrs. Davidson" I read out loud
Soon enough I found the class and walked in
My eyes immediately met with Adrie's
"Did he pee his pants?" Adrie whispered loudly to Jenna as they both laughed and then everyone in class started laughing
"PISS BOY!" Alex yelled out
My face turned crimson red as I looked at my shoes
"I did not pee my pants and I am not a piss boy" I thought to myself.
"Alright that's enough" mrs Davidson said and then she turned to me "okay Luke sit at table 5 next to Sage" she said
Luckily that was pretty far from Adrie's seat but I could still see her and her friends laughing and gossiping and I hated it
After class I walked into my advisory class and I was happy to see some familiar faces and then my smile quickly became a scowl as I laid my eyes on Adrie
She was just sitting there with Jenna laughing about god knows what
"Hey it's piss boy" Alex says loudly as he pats my back as hard as he can
I have to be in the same class as these two for the rest of my middle school life. I hate Adrie. I hate her so much.
From then on I would constantly observe her and judge her every move and I also learned a lot about her from it. I was set in getting revenge on her.

First day of Sophomore year and I'm very excited
I couldn't wait to see all my friends and this year was going to be the greatest
Walking in the hallways was very chaotic and I was so focused on finding my class that I didn't realize I had run into someone. We both dropped our books and I knelt down to help her pick them up
"Im so sorry I didn't see you" I start to say and I look up to see my victims face and Im met with these kind brown eyes that feel familiar and like home, brown eyes that once you see them you'd never forget it in a million years, eyes so innocent and sweet yet confident. I took in her appearance before I got out of the trance and was aware of my surroundings
"I'm sorry what was that?" I finally noticing she said something
"I said maybe if you weren't so busy looking at a piece of paper you wouldn't run into people" she said
I recognized her voice, it was Adrie's
I gathered my books and stood up as she did the same and I looked down at her eyes
"I was looking at my schedule but what's your excuse? You could have easily walked it of my way, so why didn't you?" I asked smugly
I knew I had one
"I ummm... what is this ? 21 questions? Just watch where you're going next time" adrie stammered as she walked away

I was having a great day until I walked into my Advanced english class and saw Adrie sitting at her desk quietly reading a book and next to her was the only open seat
I sat down beside her and put my backpack down
"Miss me already" adrie says
"It's the only open seat" I say rolling my eyes
"The floor is open" she says "you know you don't have to talk to me just pretend I'm not even here" I say
A few minutes of silence goes by and then I hear heavy breathing
"Why on earth are you breathing so loud? You don't have to announce your presence to the whole school" I say
Adrie turns to look at me and glares
"Oh my god you're actually a mouth breather" I say laughing
"My nose is stuffy it's just allergies" she says looking away
"Yeah in September?" I say rhetorically
"My breathing habits shouldn't even concern you" she snaps back
"If there was an intruder your heavy breathing would give away our location so for my safety it does" I say
"What's your name?" She asks
"Luke" I say
"Piss off luke" she says
My ears start ringing and my eyesight blurs
I can hear echoed laughter in the background and I can faintly see my old social studies classroom
"Piss boy" I hear Alex's voice say
"Luke? Luke are you okay?" Adrie asks
"I'm fine" I say as focus on the board
With that I remember who Adrie really is, I remember my mission

Authors note: hey guys! What do you think about the first chapter ??? This is based off of real events so please keep that in mind🥺 comment your face character so far 😋

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