Rhea was always the girl that nobody really knew about her personal life and she was sorta the mean girl in high school hell her whole life.

When she first found out about her being a witch, if you want to be honest she thought her mom was crazy when she told her but when she started doing magic in front of her daughter.

Rhea freak out she had so many mix emotions but here mom told her that she had a coven to lead and it was a hard one.

Her mom always told her to watch out for people because the coven was a very special one and if anyone got to their power they would take it and kill the whole coven one by one.

So Lola taught rhea how to hunt and fight after that day rhea grew up to be a soldier or some shit as she would say.

She never let her Guard down, she trained ever other day and when she wasn't training she would hang out with her sister Caroline Forbes and her friends Elena and Bonnie.

She never really cared for vampires until her sister turned into one. She wanted to kill this Katherine bitch.

She tried to kill Damon to and if Caroline didn't stop her he would be dead.

She learn to care for vampires now and specially because her sister is one and friends with some.

Now she was just laying on her bed wondering if Matthew lillard will be her future husband.

"I might be seventeen but all I got is one more year he can wait for me, right?" She spoke out loud.

She got pulled out her thoughts by her phone buzzing "oh my god where the hell is it" she threw the blanket in the air.

Then her phone started flying in the air luckily she caught it. " Rhea Ortiz residence how could I help you" she chuckled.

"Rhea stop playing this is serious" her sister said in a serious tone. "Okay fine what's up" she said sitting on the bed.

"Give me the phone" she heard in the background " hey foxy get ready for the masquerade party I'm coming to pick you up in about right now".

The door bell rang, she ran down the stairs to go to the door but her Lola beat her to it " hi Damon and what are you doing here" before he could say something the door slam in his face.

"You look a lot more nicer when your mouths shut" he screamed threw the door and look in the at Caroline and look put her hands on her head in embarrassment.

"God I should have went with Stefan" she muttered under her breath. "I heard that" Damon shouted.

While him and Caroline was arguing. Rhea was getting ready she really didn't know why she was coming and why they were here.

But she still got dressed because she didn't have nothing else to do. " stay safe okay and remember if you have to kill someone kill we can't let nobody find out about are coven being alive" Lola said standing in the doorway

"I will definitely remember that mother dear that's like my favorite thing to do" the mother rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious ray, I don't want nothing to happen to you" cupping the daughters face "I know mom and I'm serious to"

"Now have a good time and don't get into mess with that Damon boy, ew I hate him" they both shared a laugh.

"Okay I will be back later" kissing her mother cheek. "I love you".

" I love you to"

After that day everything changed for the worsted.

———————————authors note———————————
Okay this chapter might be bad but it gets better and Dallas won't be talked about till chapter 1

I personally think Stu is better than billy but I like both

Boost question: who's you fav ghost face???
Mines are Stu billy and Jill

But byeeee, i might post chapter one today if I get bored but never know

I hope you guys day is going good 👍

But bye fr this time

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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