If You Feel Sad

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(Author speaking not narrative)

If you feel sad, or you feel like you are Lost in your mind or the madness that's going on or feeling useless or weak. Read this!

Everyone does mistakes, it human's nature. If you never did any then prepare for the tests that will be held in the future, I am not talking about the exams we go through every month but the ones that will cause true problem. Misunderstanding, despair, sadness, negativeness and more. And of you did mistake then don't worry! Cuz your lucky that you're going through it earlier because the more later it is, the more careless we get

Life is not only here to keep tests. It is for you to adventure where you will see different kind of persons. Who are kind, nice and the ones who thinks good for ya but the same times there are people who are mean and bad. You will also feel different kind of emotions like happiness and sometimes jealousy

If you feel jealous of someone then just directly go and ask the person of how their successful.

If you feel angry at someone, don't let it stay or else it will turn into hatred

If you feel sad... Then... Think about the moments you went through

And that's all I can say, if you ask why I am saying this all of a sudden? Cuz I can't sleep

Oh well I hope you learnt smth or feel a little better as I am not good at comforting

Thanks for reading this with patience! Buh bye!~


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