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So today, our Author tried to test out something so she went to her friend (the same friend who chase meh-) and then sat next to her silently, not laughing, smiling or even talk. Just silent

Friend: What happened to you? Is something wrong baby?

Author: Nothing.

Friend: I don't trust that voice of yours... Come on blue.. What happened? Did someone bother ya? I will kich thier a(np) off then..

Author: *holds her laugh* N-No.. It's nothing like that..

Friend: If you don't talk like how you usually do then we are not friends anymore.

Author: Oh wait no! I am sorryyyy I was just testing things sorry pls forgive meh darling!!

Friend: *smiles and pats mah head* so that is why you were looking life less.. Idiot.. Don't do something like that Kay? Now smile baby

Author: Okie!


Lmao it always happens like this, whenever ai am with friends. I always laugh and talk excitedly but when I don't talk or even smile. They always start to ask if I am ok-

And it happened again in irl but just not today, a weak or two ago-

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