Chapter 1: A Little Encounter

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It is already past 9 Pm, Eruhaben along with his secretary Pendrick is now on their way home after another tiring day but today something will happen differently. It is when Eruhaben gazes at the window again that he sees again the two red-haired children staring at the bakery again.

He witnesses this scene for almost a week every time they stop waiting for the stoplight he always sees those kids standing in front of the bakery.

At first, he thought that those two are just deciding what will they buy but seeing them for the third time in the same spot makes him think if those two kids do have a home or parents.

On the fourth time, he witnesses a baker standing in front of the children with a paper bag in his hand, and after that, the two children thank him with the bag in their hands and bid their farewells to the baker.

It repeats on the fifth and sixth days. Eruhaben, who is a curious man decides that for his seventh day will approach the kids and ask why they are always standing at the bakery at night.

"Pendrick, stop the car for a moment"

Pendrick was shocked at the sudden word of Eruhaben but he immediately does what his boss said as he didn't have any right to question it.

"Yes, sir"

Before Eruhaben open the door he commanded Pendrick just to stay inside that Pendrick naturally oblige.

Eruahben closes the door of the car while Pendrick is curious about what his boss will do. Pendrick tries to follow his boss figure with his eyes while inside the car.

After a few moments, he immediately notices that his boss approaches the two red-haired kids that his boss quietly observing for the past week

Pendrick doesn't know what his boss will do but whatever it is he is happy to support him.

Eruhaben walked in the direction where the two kids standing from. He notices the ragged clothes the two kids wearing and it seems that they still wear the clothes that he see yesterday.

He approaches the kids in a good manner to avoid some suspiciousness.

"Do you want something? I will buy it for the two of you"

"No thank you, mister," said the tall red-haired kid to him.

"Are you sure? Seems like you two are still not eaten anything for today"

This statement made the kids flinch and made Eruhaben correct at what he observed.

"Yes sir, also we don't want to accept it knowing that you may have an ulterior motive for doing this."

"Hyung is right even though you look good you cannot deceive us!"

"Is that how you see me?"

"Yes, sir"

"If that is the case then I'm sorry but here" Eruhaben pulled out one of his business cards to show the kids that he is not a suspicious person.

"Hmmm, then why does a CEO of a company takes an interest in us then?" Eruhaben observed the other kid who looks like the older of the two with an interest in like what the kid said to him.

"It's because I see the both of you here since last week."

"Oh, but why do you still approach us?"

"I guess curiosity?"

"Hyung, Hyung, Vicross Hyung is coming I can't wait for today's bread!"


"The owner of this bakery gives us bread every night and that is our food for today" Eruhaben already thought about that but he did not expect it to be this dire.

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