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Louis continued to read his book and battled off multiple alphas who found him just to insult him and pick on him. As the sky grew darker, the lights flickered on and Louis did not put his book down. It served as the best distraction from everything and everyone and his inevitable future. This was the last book he would ever read and for some reason that made him sentimental.

His mind registered the strong scent approaching him and he did not need to look up to know that it was an alpha. Another one, but this time Louis along with his omega were trying to gravitate towards the scent. He wanted to be closer. He shook his head and continued staring at the words of his book.

He heard leaves crunching before a tall figure shadowed near him. The alpha did not say anything. He just stood there silently. No insults were thrown at him. There was no scent of disgust filling the air either. He looked at the man through the corner of his eye.

"You can stop staring. Yes, I know I am an anomaly, a freak. You can say it and get it over with, but leave me alone afterwards." Louis dismissed as he flipped the page.

The alpha raised a perfect eyebrow. "Brash."

"So I have been told countless times. They are all over there."


Louis flipped his book and placed it on top of his knees with an exasperated sigh. "The omegas." His breath got caught in his throat when he finally saw the alpha. He was of incredible height and his structure was lean. His arms—what was visible—was covered in dark ink and his long wavy hair framed his face. The man had a hard and unreadable look on his face and piercing green eyes.

"You are also an omega," the alpha stated. "And you are a man." The alpha sounded amused, but Louis could not be definitive when nothing in his expression gave him away.

Louis' throat felt dry so he swallowed and immediately noticed how the alphas eyes dropped downwards to track the movement. Louis scrambled for a sarcastic remark that acted as his defense mechanism. "You are a genius. I did not notice." His mind finally cooperated and he was satisfied with his answer. "Now, if you are done judging and staring, I have a book to finish." Louis tilted his head towards his book, and the alpha's eyes fell to his unmarked neck. Heat rose to his cheeks as he straightened himself.

Louis had never in his ten years of attending the 'O Festival' seen this alpha. He seemed to be of a high position because that was the only way he would have so much ink on his skin. Maybe he was a purebred. Louis shook his head lightly and turned back to his book when he felt the alpha's hand touch his neck. He shivered at the action and his heart rate picked up. He knew what this meant. He tried to shake the alpha off. "Please I don't want to be teased and bullied and kicked and punched anymore. Please, I beg you, do not do this. I have to just get to the end of this week and then I'm free. Please do not do this." Louis begged and hated himself for feeling a tear slide down his cheek.

He aggressively wiped it away and looked up at the alpha—something you were not supposed to do—and was met with a stony expression. The green orbs were darker and looked menacing. "Please," he begged one last time.

"I choose you omega. No one will hurt you." The alpha's voice was deep and low, soothing an ache in Louis' body. Louis saw nothing but honesty in that hard expression, but he knew better than to trust. "If you accept, you will be my luna. I will treat you with respect and not a soul will disrespect you." The alpha's voice was lulling him into a state he had not been in since the first time he got beaten up as a teenager.

He fought the urge with all his power, but the constant soothing weight on his neck combined with the scent, he felt safe and he wanted to let go. He fought more as his eyes grew heavy and when he had finally lost control, he gave in. "Alpha." The word left Louis' mouth before he succumbed to the pull towards darkness.

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