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Walking into the building was one of the most scary things i think i have ever done in my whole life, people stared at me like i was fresh meat and they weren't wrong. I walk to the counter to see a nice looking lady sitting there "Excuse me, but im here for a job interview where do i go" her head looked up and she gave me a sweet smile "If you just go sit in the corner over they i will call you out when its your turn". I thanked her and walked over to my seat, i could hear people talking about me saying how i was only going to sleep with all the staff and not actually do my job but i shrugged it off.

My name was called after me sitting there for an hour, I walked into the room with my eyes glued on the floor "Sorry for the long wait miss" my head shot up when i could tell who was talking "Reid?". His eyes meet mine god he was beautiful, he looked me up and down "Rose well what a surprise i didn't know i was interviewing you" something about the way he said it made me fell a bit more less nervous then i already was. A knock was heard at the door "come in" reid said a beautiful young lady walked in and said "Mr. Lewis sorry to interrupt but you do have a meeting now it's important". he stood up his eyes fell to mine "sorry i'll get someone else to interview you" i was disappointed i didn't even know this man though. another man walked through the door about five minutes later he was good looking as well i felt very out of place here.

As i step back into my uber my heart stopped racing i needed this job it payed good and i'm good at being a personal assistant i've done it before. my phone rang, it was my mother she only over rings me if she is drunk "yes mum" i never really thought of her as a mother though "do you have money" she says slurring her words "why what happened" i hear a giggle in the background she wasn't alone "i need more umm drinks" i look at my phone it's 12pm how is she drunk already i hung up on her. she uses me all the time never rings me to see if i'm ok just for money, the car stopped at my house i payed the man and got back into my apartment wasn't the best place to stay but i needed somewhere to live.

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