Izuku solemnly looked at him, for some reason he knew Tatsumi's answer.

"So I have no other choice but to join, so I'll do it," Tatsumi looked at Najenda with determination.

Najenda smiled and brought her metallic hand out, "Well then Tatsumi, welcome to the path of carnage,"

Tatsumi sighed as he looked at Izuku with an apologetic look. Izuku shook his head, signaling that he was not upset with his decision.

"Now then, what do we do with Greenie," Leone asked.

Najenda looked at Izuku, "You still refuse even though your friend accepted,"

Izuku firmly nodded.

"Damn, does that mean we have to put him into the workshop," Lubbock blurted.

Najenda shook her head, "No, I'll-,"

Before she could say anything, Lubbock's strings on his gloves started to move as he looked down urgently.

"We have intruders, about 12 of them," he reported.

Najenda looked at the team as the tension felt heavy in the room.

Izuku and Tatsumi felt it quickly as everyone had changed their expressions.

"You know what to do, leave no survivors," Najenda ordered.

They all grabbed their weapons and rushed out of the room.

"What are you doing standing there for Tatsumi, this is your first assignment. Now go," She ordered him.

Tatsumi flinched as he grabbed his sword and followed the rest outside.

Izuku was about to follow too, "Not you Izuku, you're not a part of the team," she stopped him.

Izuku stopped in his tracks as he turned. He looked at her, "Is it really necessary to kill them," he asked.

Najenda nodded, "If they spill information about our base then we have to find another hideout that will take sometime,"

Izuku was about to interject but she wouldn't let him.

"Izuku, I know that you hate the fact of killing people but here, it is the only option that the Empire has put us in," Najenda explained.

Najenda stood up as she looked down at the hero. "So tell me Izuku, who are you really," she gazed at him.

He flinched as he had a worried look, "Um, what do you mean,"

"I find it hard to believe your Teigu is built into your gloves or your iron soles," Najenda stated.

Izuku gulped as he looked at her, 'Crap! She's perceptive, she figured out my Quirk,'

"Izuku, were you an experiment," she deduced.

Izuku widened his eyes as he was surprised by her answer, "What?! Hold on, why did you come to that conclusion," he exclaimed.

Najenda lifted her hand to her chin, "So then how does your power work, or where did you get your power,"

Izuku thought about how to answer, should she tell her about One for All or keep it on the down low, he went for the latter as it was best to keep it a secret.

"My power awakened when I was attacked by thugs, it helped a little but in the end it had backlashes with it. I can put explosive power into my limbs that create power strikes but if I use my full power it will shatter my limbs in an instant. So my mentor trained me to control this power, I can only control 20% so far" he explained, half lying.

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