"I've already made my choice Trey," she sighs as the male groan in annoyance plopping on the ground, face first, "I'm retiring, and this is my last performance..." she looks at him and smile sadly, "...our last performance as partners,"

Muttering and saying distorted sentences the ballerina laughs, at him. Trey soon enough, seat up again, cross leg facing her, "I swear, I will find that person that cause your accident and make them pay for making you injured! They took away my partner!" he complains.

He looks up at her again, "Will you continue in this industry?" he questions?

The ballerina smiles and shrugs, "I don't know, mother is forcing me to finish my studies,"

Trey rolls his eyes as he hears the statement, "I really don't understand your mother and you,"

"What did I do?" she gasps.

"Well, firstly, your mother, can't she just be proud? You are THE YOUNGEST PRIMA BALLERINA? That's history itself, and now she's forcing you to continue your studies, like you weren't in an accident months ago?" he rolls his eyes again as he complains to his best friend, "And you, no matter how intelligent you are, you've got be suffering in that prestigious Oxford University, plus you're also attending it online,"

The latter only smile and shrug again, "Well, I enjoy my course, so I do not find it suffering,"

Trey only rolls his eyes at the optimistic of his friend, "Anyway, I came to fetch you up," he stands up, grabbing his friend's close duffle bag, "Monsieur Mérante, is looking for you," he playfully adds the accent.

Shaking her head, she put her shoes on and stands up pointe shoes in hand. Trey walks out first, holding the door for his best friend. The ballerina stands at the entrance, looking around the room once more with a smile and expression of peace, sighing she close the door and they walk down the corridor.


"I'll stay here," Trey says, standing by the door, he gave her a smile. The ballerina nods and walks in, shutting the door behind her.

Despite entering the office multiple times, the architecture of the office still amuses her, nonetheless. The royal aesthetic that was put into the design, walls cover with portraits of famous and former Prima Ballerina and Primo Ballerino. Walking through the archway, her lip curl into a smile, her eyes setting on the huge portrait of her behind the office desk.

"Amora," Monsieur Mérante smile, calling the girl by her famous English name, putting his work papers to the side and signals the young girl to seat, "So," he clasps his hand together, in front of him, smiling at his favourite ballerina, "How are you feeling? This performance is your last,"

The girl laughs and sits comfortably before answering, "Nervous but peaceful," she smiles widely, looking at her favourite mentor.

Monsieur Mérante chuckles and nods his head, understanding what his student meant, "Trey, he came and whine to you did he not?" he raise an eyebrow as the ballerina nods her head, "Yes, he wasn't too please about your decision, especially since he only found out last night, hasn't sinked in I believe,"

"Well, his partner is leaving, he'll have to find another partner," the girl says, "he said, and I quote: 'They might be better than you, but one else can sync with me like you do',"

The Monsieur laugh slightly at the sentence, "He is not wrong," he says after calming down, "In all my lifetime of teaching, mentoring all ballet dancers and these famous and former primas and primos," he mentions towards the huge portraits around the room, "I have never seen and mentor such perfectly sync partners," he compliments.

"Well, we wouldn't be in perfect sync if it wasn't for you Monsieur," she compliments back, before turning serious, "I would like to announce my retirement after the performance, and tell the whole world that who I really am,"

The Monsieur frowns, not too certain about her decision of exposing who she really is. The ballerina notices and laughs, "I'm going to tell the whole world my courtesy name, not my birthday,"

Monsieur Mérante's smile drop slightly, but he nods at her, "Whatever you like, Mon trésor," he finishes the sentence with his nickname to her.

The ballerina rolls her eyes at the nickname but smile, she stands up and walk beside the mentor, giving him a daughterly side hug, "Thank you for everything, pére," she tightens her hug at her father figure.

Monsieur Mérante laughs and pats her arm a show of affection, "I'll always support you in your decisions...Tong Yao," he finishes the sentence by calling her, her real name.



Mon trésor = My Treasure

pére = dad

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