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Islas pov:
I woke up at 10 am and checked my phone to find an email from my manager it read
Glad to hear Your interested in the role of Leena Jones. Attached to this email is lines that you can do for your audition. The audition needs to be in by Tomorrow at 9pm.
I quickly studied the script before getting up to get ready for the day.

I took a shower then changed into my clothes

I took a shower then changed into my clothesOutfit:

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I sat at my desk and read through the lines and practiced until I was ready to send in the audition

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I sat at my desk and read through the lines and practiced until I was ready to send in the audition. I sat up my camera in front of me and the instructions say to look slightly away from the camera. I had to do two scenes. I spoke to the camera, "hi, my name is Isla Greene I am 13 years old. I am 5'1" and 100 pounds. I currently live in Beverly Hills California. "Nathanial you can't go alone!" "You can't go because I-I-I like you Nathaniel ok? And maybe you just think of me as the weird kid who somehow became your friend. A low life a loser, maybe just maybe, I'm a worthless piece of shit!" " do like me?" Next scene I will be doing is scene 4 "h-hello...who the fuck is here? H-helllooo? WHOEVER YOU ARE SHOW YOURSELF RIGHT FUCKING NOW I HAVE A KNIVE AND I WILL LITERALLY SLICE YOUR DICK-SHOW YOURSELF!" End of scene 4.

I finished the Audition and transferred it to my computer as a pdf and sent it to my manager to send to the casting director. I walked downstairs remembering Walker leaves on Saturday and it's currently Thursday. I found him in the movie room playing Xbox I walked over to him and hugged him. He eventually put the controller down and gave me a hug back. We stayed hugging for a few minutes. "Whatca been doing this morning?" Walker asked. "I filmed an audition tape," "ooo-what for?" Walker asked. "Cant say sadly," I replied. "Hmm," Walker replied. "I'm excited to watch your Ellen show next week,"
"Me too," I replied. "Hey do you want to do something with Rosemary, Momona and one of my band mates, Danny?" "Why not," Walker said with a shrug. Maybe they could sleepover too for it being one of your last days before you leave!" I said. I called everyone and they all agreed to meet at our house.

I told everyone to bring swimsuits. Everyone has arrived and we went into the pool in the backyard.we never go into the pool because it's usually cold but today it was quite warm in the pool. It was a good 6 feet deep so you could go to the top of the big fake rock slide and jump in. That's basically what we did the whole time until Ryan called us in for lunch. We all ate dried off and changed back into our regular clothes.

Once we were done changing we all met downstairs in the living room. All of us agreed on going mini golfing. Now the problem is we have to figure out who would take us. Madi is at her friends house, My mom and Mrs.Scobell are working, and I don't know if Ryan would take us. Rylan is also an option but I'm pretty sure she has a shoot today and she might be at angus' house. So that means Ryan.

"Dad?" I asked. "What's up?" Ryan asked. "Is it possible you could take me, Walker,Momona, Rosemary and Danny to mini golf?" I asked. "Hmm-sure I guess, I have to go into town anyway to get some stuff," Ryan said. Everyone all gathered in his car as he drove into Santa Monica to go mini golfing.

Time skip.

We got done playing mini golf with the scores being
Momona: 42
Danny: 44
Walker: 48
Rosemary: 53
Isla: 57

I learned that I do in fact suck at mini golfing. We made a bet before we started the loser had to pay for the ice cream. I spent $30 on ice cream. The mini golfing place was on Santa Monica peer so once we finished eating out ice cream we walked on the board walk. My hand was being held by walkers hand. We were all talking until from behind me I heard. "Excuse me, Isla! Walker! Momona! Can I get a picture with you?" The fan asked. "Omg yes of course!" I said excitedly. "What's your name?" I asked the fan. "Mia," mia replied. "Omg I love that name!" I said. "Thank you, I have to get going now my family's waiting for me but it was nice meeting you!" Mia said and walked off.

"She was nice," I said to Walker and Momona. "She was compared to other people I've met she's super nice!" Momona said. We all found a bench and sat on the bench while I called Ryan to pick us up.

"Dad, we're done now, you can come pick us up," I said over the phone. "Will do,"Ryan said.  We were waiting at the bench just talking about random stuff until Ryan's car pulls up we all get in and start to drive back home. On the way home I got a email from the my manager.
Isla! You did it! Except you didn't get Leena, you got Tia! Now that you got the role I'm aloud to say who else got the role, but they might not know it yet so do not say anything.
Leena Jones: Mia talerico
Nathaniel dion: Walker Scobell
Mark loberg: Xolo Maridueña
Are meeting will be tomorrow with the full cast because that's the only day everyone had available and then filming won't start until after the Adam project premiere.

After I got done reading through the email I started crying happy tears. Sense I was aloud to speak about my part now I'm aloud to say stuff about it. "What's wrong?! Are you okay?" Walker said worriedly everyone was staring at my with a worried look. "I got the part in Not available!" I got Tia Mariana in Not available!" I said with a happy but crying tone. After I announced the role o heard a lot of "I'm so proud of you's" which was fine becuase I'm really proud of myself.

We got back to my house and I went to find Rylan and tell her I got the role. "RYLAN! I got the role!" I told my sister. "Omg you did! I'm so proud of you!" Rylan said as we hugged. Now I went to find my mom, she already knows that I got the role. I found my mom and she gave me a huge hug. "I'm so proud of you baby!" My mom said. I said thanks and went to go find my friends. They were all in my room playing on the Xbox. I glanced at the time and it was 4 pm.

Knowing how long it takes Postmates in a big city I ordered our food right now . I ordered Wendy's and everyone had previously told me their orders.

After messing around In my room for an hour the food had finally arrived. I brought it upstairs to my room and we all ate while watching Spider-Man. And cleaned up my room. When we finished I had this amazing tiktok idea. I told Momona and Rosemary and they all agreed we should do it.

All three of us walked into walkers room where Danny and Walker were. "What are you two planning?" Walker asked noticing our excited faces. "Ya-know that one tiktok trend when the girls dress up as boys and boys dress up and girls?" I asked Walker and Danny. They both nodded their head slowly. "Do we have to?" Walker said in a annoyed tone. "Yes Walker you do," Momona said. We had already picked out the outfits for Danny and Walker. "The outfit are on my bed!" I said with a  smile. We quickly changed and walked back to my room.

We began filming the tiktok.
(Momona, Rosemary, and Isla)Begging words I don't remember
(Danny and Walker walk in)He don't want to fuck with me cause I'm the one he got all the drugs and I got all the guns

We watched the video and started dying of laughter. We all changed back in our comfy clothes and started to settle down for the night. I Had to blow up three mattresses and make them look like beds. I blew one up on the right of my bed on the left of my bed and at the front of my bed. For 3 hours we all played Minecraft. 1 person played on my Pc, one person played on my Xbox and the rest of us played on our phones.

After we were done playing Minecraft we ended the night by watching a movie, Guardians of the galaxy and it was time to go to sleep. Even though me and Walker are dating it was awkward sleeping in the same bad as him. We have beide but this time it's just different. Especially sense there's a lot of people here. But before I could fall asleep I was in walkers arms and we was playing with my hair. And then I fell asleep.

This is not proofread and I'm sorry and I feel like it's all over the place but I don't know. Thank you guys for all the support recently. Love you all.

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