Please Will You Love Me

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Frank's pov

All I wanted was for someone to love me just as much as I loved them.

But it's not always that easy is it.

*12 hours earlier

Me and Gerard laid in bed, we had just finished messing around and in my opinion it was amazing.

But Gerard seemed less than interested "hey babe, you gotta go, I need to start getting ready for dinner with my parents tonight" he said before getting out the bed and pulling his clothes on, I also pulled my clothes on.

"Ok well I'll maybe stop by later" I said with a small smile, Gerard nod his head "yeah maybe" he said before pecking my lips, I smiled happily before replying "I love you"

Gerard shrugged "yeah, love you too" I sigh softly "Gee if we both love each other then why aren't we a couple" I asked, Gerard sighed "we've already spoke about this, when I'm ready then we can talk about it more, I promise"

I nod my head softly before leaving his apartment and going back to mine.

Once I got there I go straight to the couch where I lay down for a while.

I wish Gerard loved me like he said he does, I'm not too sure if he loves me at all.


I wake up a couple hours later and decide that I was gonna go over to Gerard apartment and tell him that if he doesn't make up his mind then I was fine, this was starting to hurt me now.

When I got to his apartment I opened the door and shut it quietly, I walked to the living room and didn't find him, I then called out his name and I heard shuffling in his bedroom.

I walk towards the door and open it to find Gerard and this other guy under the covers, their clothes scattered across the floor "oh" was all I mumbled, I need down at my feet "Frank, I-I'm sorry"

I looked at Gerard sadly before muttering a quick apology for interrupting and quickly walked out of the apartment.

Gerard didn't even try to call after me, when I got to my apartment I got to the living room and sat on the couch.

Once it finally hit me what was going on I grabbed the pillow beside me and laid down before crying into it loudly.

I have no idea how long I laid like that for but soon my eyes became dry and my throat became sore.

The front door opened and slammed shut before a familiar body was in front of me, I don't tend to talk to him at the moment but I knew I'd have to talk to him soon enough.

"Oh Frankie" he whispered before walking into the room, I didn't move from my position, I laid there looking blankly at the wall.

I felt a hand on my shoulder "Frankie, I'm so sorry" I hit Gerard's hand off my shoulder roughly "don't fucking touch me" I mumbled, Gerard sighed "come on, can't we talk about this, I'll take you out to dinner huh" he said a little too happily.

I closed my eyes tightly and turn my entire body away from him "come on Frank I know I fucked up, I love you I didn't mean to hurt you"

I shake my head and chuckle sadly "you don't fucking love me, you don't even like me a little, if you had any form of feelings for me you would have never done anything like that, I'm done Gerard, I never wanna see you again" I said rather calmly, I didn't wanna blow up and start yelling, it would only make my throat worse.

Gerard didn't even ask any questions or say anything else, all he did was kiss me cheek and leave.

As soon as I heard the front door slam shut I started to cry again, the sobs were unbelievably loud.

All I wanted was for someone to love me just as much as I loved them.

But it's not always that easy is it.

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