Betsy looked at her in disapproval and sat down, everyone sat when she did. Margaret said a short prayer, Koruna felt she was trapped in a bad movie at the upright manner they were seated. Koruna opened her meal to find her favorite (fried rice, beans and plantain) and wondered if this was a coincidence, she doubted it as she was beginning to understand that Betsy left no room for coincidence. They each had different kinds of food on their plates which led to a mixture of delicious scents that left Koruna hungry.

Koruna ignored the fork and knife on the table in favor for the spoon and started eating, Betsy decided to ignore her but Margaret muttered low but loud enough for everyone to hear.


Koruna snickered with her mouth full as she gave a really offensive sign to Margaret which made her skin boil in anger.

“That is very vulgar, I don’t expect anything more from you.” Margaret said with a condescending tone.

“That’s fair, I don’t think anyone expects anything more from you either, I guess your abilities are proportionate to your physical appearance. Average.” Koruna winked and continued eating.

“Youuuu…” Margaret flared

“Silence… we don’t talk when we eat.” Betsy scolded them.

“You just talked.” Koruna countered.

Betsy glared at her, Koruna guessed that her glares usually silence people but she replied by throwing her a kiss.

“I am curious, how are we supposed to introduce her at school? People will know that father was not the upright man they thought he was.” Kelvin asked.

“Let them talk, no one would dare say anything to our face. Charles is dead, those words wouldn’t hurt him anymore.” Betsy replied after cleaning her lips.

“Why do you always do this? Do our feelings not matter? You gave us no warning or preparation, you didn’t even think to tell us that we had a half-sister from the other side of the city only for you to just completely alter our lives and without any sort of explanation.” Annie said to Betsy angrily.

“Do not be dramatic, if anything Koruna is the one who has her life upturned, and I don’t see her complaining.” Betsy said with a note of warning.

“No… No… You will not do that again grandmother.
Haven’t you pit us against each other enough? She is nobody… even if she shared father’s blood, she still has the blood of a low life running through her veins. How can you compare us?”

Margaret said bitterly.

Koruna kept eating and ignored everything else.

“Look at her, she can’t even manage to eat with a fork and a knife. She will be a stain in this family, I thought you didn’t like stains.” Annie remarked.

“I can use the knife for other purposes, I could show you.” Koruna responded chillingly.
Bernie held Koruna hand so tight, his purpose was to inflict pain on her.

“You will never threaten or speak to Annie that way ever again.” Bernie warned.

Koruna stared at the hand and picked up the knife beside her and stabbed with no hesitation, Bernie removed his hand so fast, she stopped just above her hand.

“I will do whatever I want Barney, Not even you or your sister icky can do anything to stop me. I am reasonable, if you don’t look for my trouble, you won’t find it.” Koruna smiled sweetly at them as she continued her meal.

“My name isn’t…” Bernie breathed

“Sweet Lord, Grandmother… Are you going to let her get away with that?” Margaret shrieked.

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