Part 1

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this is a work of fiction and characters are based on the turkish hit series Sen Cal Kapimi.


He stirred on his bed, smell the scent of coffee. Opens his eyes and and stare blankly on the ceiling. A few minutes later his alarm sounded. It's Saturday, no work today. He got up and changed, he'd go for run today.  He went to the kitchen and looked for coffee. "Mom, you drink all the coffee?"  he asked his mother. 

"What coffee? I didn't make coffee." 

"What was that smell then? uhg, never mind. I'll just get one on my way home, I'm going for a run." he got out of the house and started running.  He was about thirty minutes away from the house when he spotted a coffee shop. "This wasn't here before." he stand right across it and try to see what's inside.  He ignored his thought and went around another couple of blocks and head to the coffee shop. The smell of freshly brewed coffee immediately welcomed him. It was 8 in the morning. The line on the counter wasn't that long. He waited and just as it was his turn to order the teller vanished to the kitchen. 

He heard someone saying, "I'll be right there. I just need to get this cinnamon out of the oven." he waited patiently, then a brown haired lady came. still wearing mittens and the smell of cinnamon surrounds the store. "Hi!" he said.  She turned towards him and he swear he just saw the most beautiful brown eyes he has ever seen his whole life. 

"Ser.... Sir.. Good morning." the girl said. "Hi, Good morning. Black coffee please." he stated his order. He looks at her face, trying not to look creepy. she punched in his order. "and can I have one of those delicious cinnamon rolls you have in the kitchen. They smell heavenly from here." "Those aren't for sale, but I'll give you one, my treat." she said still looking down at the monitor.  "Wow, really.. I'll drink it here by the way, the coffee." he said, trying to make a small conversation. She looks at him with her big brown eyes.  Suddenly a part of him felt something, she's sad.  He thought. "You can sit anywhere you like, I'll take your coffee on your table. "But I haven't paid for any of it yet." he said, reaching for his wallet. 

"No need, it's on me. You can pay for your coffee the next time you visit." 

He was confused. Why would she give a stranger free coffee and a cinnamon at that? 

He takes in the interior of  the cafe. It was homey, as an architect, this could simply pass as his project. With the modern touch in its walls, wooden tables and weaves chairs. He would've done the same design if given the chance. He finally found a spot across the room. He picks one of the books from the shelves. "Hmmm.. The Little Prince, first edition." he swear he had the same book. His father had given him different edition of The Little Prince every year until he passed on. They may not have seen eye to eye but he loved him.  

He sits on the wooden chair and started to browse on one of the pages of the book. He was flipping to the next page when the lady from the counter came with a tray of him coffee and a delicious looking cinnamon bun.  "Here you go. If you want a refill just tell Leyla.  She'll help you out." She place the coffee carefully on the table as I grab the plate with the bun. "Thank you. Listen, uhmmm.. if you don't mind. May I know your name?" he asked. 

He had been meaning to ask a few minutes ago. She smiles at him and answer. "Eda, Eda B...Eda Yildiz." she looked at him in the eye, she seem really sad. Serkan stands up and held up his hand. "Serkan, Serkan Bolat." she took his hand and some  sort of energy run through his veins.  They held hands, eyes locked. If not for the commotion they heard from the kitchen, they would've stayed like that for while, and he wouldn't have complained.  She excuses herself to the kitchen and he went on to sip his coffee. It's by far the best coffee he has ever tasted, and it goes well with the cinnamon bun. He was reading through the page of the book when the door rings open. 

Came in a little girl with long brown hair, accompanied by a middle aged lady,  with curly hair. They walked towards the table in front of him. He looks at the child intently. Something looks familiar with this kid. he thought. The lady she was with went into the kitchen. He watched the kid, who suddenly looked up to him and gave him a sweet smile and he smiled back. She walks over to him. "Hey, what's your name?" he asked, but she didn't answer.  She motioned to sit on his lap and he obliged. She was flipping through the book. "Do you like this?" she nods and chose a page. He read the page as she listens to him intently.  She was leaning on his  chest as he read when Eda came. "Kiraz, baby. Don't bother the customers like that."  "she's your daughter?" he asked. "Yes, I'm sorry about this." she was about to lift her from his lap when Kiraz snakes her arm around Serkan's neck.  

"It's not a problem Eda, it's fine. I was just reading to her. She seem to like this book. Have a sit." he points at the chair across him.  "That's one of her favorite books. Her father used to read it to her." she said.  "I was asking her for her name earlier, but she didn't answer." he looks at Eda. "She's can talk, but since the accident she hasn't said a single word." 

"What accident? Where's her father?" he asked. I rarely get attracted to a woman and she's married.  he thought. "He was in a accident five months ago. He was about to pick her up from school. Kiraz was near the gates when she spotted him crossing the street when a car hit him. She hadn't spoken since." she wiped the tears forming on the side of her eyes. He reached for her hands and squeeze it. "I'm sorry about that." he look down on the child on his lap.  She's too young to have witness such tragic loss. 

Eda cleared her throat. "Come on now baby, I have your food ready in the kitchen." she held out her hand, Kiraz  reached out and shake her head.  "But you need to eat, my cherry. Come on." but the little girl won't go. "Hey, baby girl. How about you eat here with me?" Serkan asked the child and she instantly nods. "I'll have avocado on toast or anything if you don't have that. Don't worry, I'll pay for it this time." he smile tenderly at Eda. 

Five minutes later Eda was back with their food. "You won't join us?" he asked her. "I'll eat in the kitchen later." "Come on, join us, at least I'll have someone to talk to." he looks at the kid, eating silently. "Fine." Eda asked one of the crew to fetch her plate from the kitchen.  

Breakfast was good. They talked about Kiraz mostly and the cafe.  "This cafe was built from scratch by my husband. With the help of our friends. We got the money after my grandmother died two years ago. She was a known business tycoon. Though she wanted me to manage the company I chose not to. After  I had Kiraz, she understand my decision and let my cousin manage the business."  

Serkan shared a few details about his business. He knew she would be familiar of his firm. Not to brag, but he was a known architect in all of Istanbul. It was almost twelve when he decided to head home. Kiraz was still hesitant, but he promised her he'll back later that  afternoon so the little girl let him leave. For some reason he felt sad leaving. In just a couple of hours he had been so attached to both Eda and Kiraz. He'll be back later. Maybe he'll treat them to dinner later. Who knows, but one thing's for sure. He'll be here everyday. 


a new treat for my readers. something i have been brewing for a while. hopefully you'd like this one as much as you like What If!?  

PS, Tell me how you like this one.

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