Ch. 4

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"Could it be that you're implying you want me to kill for money?"

You were flabbergasted by the sudden proposal from a random dude who looked homeless.

"Under our watch of course, you're protected and will not be harmed"

The word 'our' Immediately made you feel eerie. The feeling of being watched is confirmed by his choice of words.

"It's against the law"

You were about to stand up when the topic you didn't want to bother remembering anymore was brought up in the all-so-called negotiation.

"Isn't killing your friends also against the law? You're experienced as it is, I want you in or you rot in jail. The choice is yours to make Y/N"

Your steps halt turning back towards him making a tight smile before nodding your head.

"One condition"

He knows he's got you the moment you bring up terms and conditions.

"You bring Dami out of this, whatever happens you do not make Dami a criminal. She will be under my protection and not yours so don't bring her to this"

It was so easy for him to just nod but rather than that, he stands up placing his hand out for a handshake.

"I'll excuse myself suddenly the air inside here became too foul for my sense of smell"

You left him hanging as you left the building to go back home with a lot on your mind. A new set of responsibilities started to sink in while you were going back home.

How the hell did he know I was the one who killed them, fuck it I thought I was careful.

Sighing, you just continued driving hoping that as fast as possible you can forget it and live on with your life soon. That one memory will be the only thing that will actually trigger you. There was no doubt in your eyes earlier that you wanted to kill him the moment he mentioned it but seeing how he isn't just a 'boss' but something more powerful. You knew better than to mess with people like him.

You opened your eyes to the sight of Dami cleaning your room. It was the first time in a while that you slept in your bed, it was always on the couch in the same space, in the same living room.

"When did you get in here?"

You clear your throat after stretching your limbs to try waking yourself up.

"A few minutes ago, I was knocking but you seem fast asleep"

Dami nonchalantly says opening the door to exit your room since you've already woken up.

"Did you eat dinner?"

You look at your phone to see it was already 12 am. You slept for 15 full hours for the first time.

"Yes, thank you for the food"

Hearing the door close you couldn't help but sigh heavily running a hand through your hair.

I should have joined her for dinner

It's been almost a year that you had a proper conversation with Dami. Having been so busy with all the killing, you couldn't even squeeze in a proper meal for almost a year. You even had to go to the doctor for it which Dami knew but she was surprisingly calm about it.

That calm demeanor, it was the same face she would always make the first time she met you.

"Why did you kill them?"

Dami calmly talks to you while she had her school uniform on when she locked eyes with you. She looked like she was going back home from cram school when she saw the pile of bodies.


You were shaking violently; you didn't know what to do. It was like you just woke up from a nightmare yet the nightmare was made to reality when you saw blood dripping from the chains you used to hit them.

You shook your head trying to forget about it but somehow the guilt still runs through your veins as if it will forever haunt you and that same look that Dami gives you everyday is one of the reminders of the first murder you committed.

"Hey Dami"

After a few hours, you finally left your room all dressed up to see that Dami was focusing on her laptop.

"I'm studying if that's what you want to know"

You grew curious looking at her laptop to see Dami was studying.... Law?

"You're actually taking law huh?"

Instead of being annoyed by it, you smiled proudly patting her back before going to the coffee maker making coffee for the both of you.

"Yes, is there a problem with it?"

You just hummed in response pouring coffee on both your mugs before sitting down beside Dami placing the mugs down the table.

"You can live here with me for a while"

Dami just places her bag down looking around without any fear in her that she's going to live with a killer. You found it weird until...

"I'll take law and I'll put you to jail myself as a thank you gift"

Because of that you got the answer to why you allowed Dami to live with you. The guilt you had stops you from telling the police and the first murder you ever had apparently had different fingerprints. It might just be luck on your side but because of that luck, the same situation still repeats in your head.

"I'll support you with that, I can't wait for it. I'll feel really proud if you do"

Taking a sip off your coffee you couldn't help but smile at the memory.

"I stay true to my word. I can't wait for it"

Dami just ignored your reply, continuing to study unbothered by your presence. It was as if living with a serial killer was normal.

Thank you, Yubin.

You couldn't say it to her directly but it helps a lot that someone would be there to understand you without even saying anything. It was as if everything was made by fate.

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