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Edward fanned his hands at my face as if trying to cool me down. I sat there in shock not sure how to process anything I was hearing. Queen Felicity opened a package of chocolates and popped one into her mouth daintily. 
"As you can see we hid you from the world for you own good we did not want any repeats of past history." She said. I looked at her unsure how to feel. I was angry and hurt sure, but I also understood they didn't want me to be killed by the prince of Macati. 
"Okay," I said. I leaned back into the plush leather. It wasn't like I even had a life. I could live with my mother the freaking queen if that meant getting out of boarding school. 
"Okay?" Edward asked in surprise. I nodded, still a bit shocked by the news I was a princess.
"However there is a catch." The queen said while pouring herself some wine. 
"A catch?" I asked. She took a big gulp of wine while still managing to look regal and then set her cup down. 
"The reason we pulled you out of hiding is to marry Prince Gabriel." She said. I choked on my spit. The queen gave me a look of disgust as she took another swig of wine. "We need to end this war sweetheart and a political marriage seems the best way to do it." She said. Her accent made her words sweet. I stared at her suddenly feeling like a pawn in a bigger chess match. 
"Besides King Edric already agreed with the plan of a political marriage." Edward said. I looked at what was now my brother and sighed in defeat. I'd take feeling like I had no family over being thrust into a political marriage any day. 
"First we need to work on your image." The queen said. "Now once we get to the palace we will have cameras to capture your picture." She said. I blinked as I processed this.  
"So you want me here to end a war?" I asked. The queen nodded.
"Pretty much." She agreed. I sighed,
"Then count me in I guess."
"Great." The queen said clapping her hands. "Cause we're here." As soon as the limo opened I was whisked away to the palace. I was shown my room but I only got to admire for a second because they took me to be tailored for a whole new wardrobe. Then they did a photo shoot and I had to sit for hours for my portrait. Who knew being a princess was so much work?

Enemy linesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin