Family Reunion

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The first thing I saw when I walked into the office was a painting. It was a very old painting of Jesus at the last supper. Im pretty sure it was a copy of the original made by Leonardo Di Vinci. I didn't understand why it was here at school. The nuns believed that Mary was the one with the power because she gave birth to Jesus. Which I felt was wrong, but I was scared of the nuns and would never say my opinion.
"Enter!" Mother Superior boomed out. I walked into her office. The cross above her head made the atmosphere very intimidating. She had her arms folded across her chest. Making her look even more intimidating. With her were two other people. One was a woman she was of average height like myself. Not too tall and not too short. She had long, beautiful blonde hair that fell down her back in waves. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled, and she had a small prim smile on her full lips. She stood up as I entered. Her pencil skirt fitting across her legs perfectly showed off her curves.
"You must be Annabeth." She said, her accent making it difficult to understand her. It sounded Scottish, but i couldn't be too sure here in England what accent was what.
"Ummm, yeah." I said. I felt unsophisticated with my american accent.
"I told you, mother." The boy next to her said. He rolled his green eyes and ran his long, slender hands through his already messy blonde hair. He stood up and walked towards me.
"Edward." He said, bowing half, waisted in front of me.
"Oh, um, Annabeth." I stuttered out. "But you already knew that." I said, blushing as I attempted a curtsey. Edward laughed.
"It's all in the knees, sweetheart." The lady said as she turned to mother Superior. "So we will be disenrolling her from school as of right now." She told her.
"But all the paperwork," Mother Superior interrupted.
"Pish posh." She said to the surprise of everyone around her and waved her hand dismissively. "Come now, darling, let us be on our way." She said, taking my hand and pulling me out of the room. Leaving behind a very surprised Mother Superior which is extremely rare.
"But all my stuff." I protested, unsure of what exactly was going on.
"Bloody hell." She muttered under her breath. "Oh well, we can always replace it." She said, not even slowing down.
I shrugged, it wasnt as if I had anything of value anyway. Edward walked beside his mother as I struggled to keep up. The lady walked fast for someone in heels.
"So you excited." Edward asked, falling into step besides me. One of his long steps cost me two of mine. I struggled to keep up with him and his mother.
"Anything is better than here." I said, still confused by what was going on. He nodded as if in agreement. His mouth in a grim line. He had rosy red lips as if he inherited them from snow white. He grinned at me.
"Trust me, your life will never be the same again."
I looked at him and smiled back. "That's what I'm counting on."
We reached the car outside. It was less of a car and more of a limo. I felt a gasp leave my mouth involuntarily. The man holding the door let out a soft chuckle.
"Welcome, your majesty.
I took a step back. Your majesty? I thought in confusion. The blonde lady turned.
"Come along, princess, your destiny awaits."
I stared at her until Edward took my arm and pulled me into the limo. I sat gaping at everything in there. There was candy, champagne, soda, everything imaginable in the world in that little car. I was used to seeing the girls and boys at my boarding school drive up in limos. But I didn't know the luxury they had. I grinned as I leaned back into the plush, black leather seats.
"You look comfortable." The lady giggled, flipping her blonde hair. Her cunning blue eyes were boring into my face. I felt myself flush, and I looked down.
"Sorry, I'm just not used to this." I twisted my fingers in my lap. She looked at me, her eyes narrowing for a split second.
"Darling." She said in her thick accent. "Don't worry, everything will work out perfectly."
"Ahem," Edward cleared his throat to break the tense silence that fell over the car. " Annabeth, I would like to officially introduce you to my mother, Queen Felicity." My eyes widened at the woman sitting next to Edward.
"You're your Queen Felicity." I stutter out in surprise."
"Oh pish posh." She said in her thick accent. "No one here in the back of this limo gives a fuck so let's move on from the formalities shall we."
I let out a gasp and feel my eyes widened in surprise. This lady is something else, besides I've never heard a queen let alone Queen Felicity cuss before. She tosses her long blonde hair over her shoulder and takes both of my hands. "Sweetheart, my beautiful long lost baby girl." She says and I stare at her confused. Which I know is probably really rude but Im not sure what to do with this information.
"Annabeth, what I belive my mother is trying to say is she's your mother too."

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